The Tomato (Romano x Reader) <3

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 Ciao~ No warning this time around you guys, well besides its full of cutesy stuff ;)    oh yeah and _______ is your name doki? Grazi~


      It was late at night and you couldn't sleep; you had always loved the outdoors especially at night, so you decided to take a short stroll thinking it would clear your mind. It was a warm summer night with a light breeze, you could see almost every star in the night sky, and figured it would be a good idea to go star gazing. You walked a bit until you came to one of your favorite spots, a big grass covered hill to the right of a large tomato farm. You plopped down in the soft warm summer grass and stared into the night sky. Not even five minutes after you laid down, you hear the light pitter patter of feet in the grass fallowed by angry sounding mumbling? Yes it was defiantly mumbling, and you only knew one person that would wonder around mumbling like that. "Idiota tomato eater says I can't clean, just you wait you damn bastard i'll-... ______? You look up slightly from your comfy grass bed to see you friend Lovino angrily munching on a fresh tomato he took from the garden. " Hey there Lovi, Antonio make you mad again?" you replied nonchalantly. "DON'T CALL ME LOVI, and yes damn bastard has no idea what he is talking about" your friend pouted as he sat next to you and looked at the sky. "Stupid ragazza what are you looking at?" Lovi asked as he continued nibbling at his half eaten tomato. "What else? The stars you silly!" You giggled. The two of you sat there for a good three minutes in a comfortable silence when the mood shifted slightly it got almost... Awkward? You glanced at your friend who was staring at you still holding his half eaten tomato in his right hand, you cleared your throat to try and break the awkward tension but failed. With it being awkward and your mind clear you decide it was time to go back home. You say your good bye and start to stand up only to be stopped bye Lovino grabbing your hand, you blush slightly at this. "L- lovi erm... what'cha doooin'?" you asked confused. You got no reply from your friend who was now sitting chris cross and shyly looking down to his right with a deep blush across his face. "I really should go so if you need to say something spit it out already" you say. But to your surprise he didn't speak right away instead he held up his half eaten tomato to you. Confused you took it and held it with both hands standing above Lovi. Lovino shifted slightly with his hands in his lap, staring down at his still crossed legs his hair in his face making it hard to see his beautiful honey colored eyes. Moments passed with you two like this, you looking at the tomato with a confused smirk and him staring into his lap until finally Lovino broke the silence "T-ti amo _____" He said as he looked up at you with a huge blush and his usual adorable pouting face. Surprised by the sudden confession you began to blush, then you giggled slightly and bent down so you were face to face with Lovi. "Your face looks as red as this tomato" you smiled as you held up the tomato as to compare "D-don't do such stupid things! Bastard ragazza!" he complained as he gently slapped the tomato away from his face. Giggling and smiling you got close to his face as if you were about to kiss him, and then yanked on his curl, which you knew got on his nerves "Hey stupid ragazza! Ow don't touch my curl" Lovi yelled as he put both his hands on top of his head as if trying to prevent you from doing it again. You giggled again and gently kissed him slowly and lovingly "Ti amo Lovino" you smiled, got up and ran down the hill. "H-hey! ______! wait up! Stupid bastard slow down!" Lovino shouted as he got up and dashed after you. ;D

Ti amo: I Love You! <3

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