Chapter 3

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I was having a nightmare so I kept moving around and around then worse of all it started to thunderstorm .... It would happen tonight though Irish I whispered;what; she said in a groggily voice ;do you hear that??;Hear what? She said slightly sitting in an upright position rubbing her eyes. All a sudden We heard broken glass shatter we shot up quietly but quickly and rolled off the bed like ninjas but expertly failing because I fell on my hand -,- that was not a smart idea I did a roll and signaled Irish on 3 that we would run down stairs 1 ......2.........3 I whispered and we jumped down the steps and saw a little puppy siting there;"aww"we said at the same time Irish picked him up " how did you get there little fella"; she said in a baby voice I starred at her in horror this is

the scary moment because she's always mean but when it come to baby's and animals she soft ...what the hell has the world come to smh "eff this I did all that ninja stuff plus I probably sprained my arm for a fricken dog forget that I'm going to bed" I said doing the two finger wave I walked up to my room and fell asleep on the bed

20 minutes later Irish came in and fell asleep I was bout to ask her where she put it when she cut me off and said " I put it on mommy face" ; I started mentally laughing because If it poop on her face she gonna be hella mad *****11am****** AHHH!!!!! Not this again I thought stubbornly getting out of bed .... but then again its Irish fault so i just back in bed and I pulled the cover back on me and put the pillow over my head AHHHH!!!! Aunt Candice yelled again OMG I groaned can't a nigga get sleep ; I removed the pillow off my head pulled the cover down and put my leg on the floor one by one but stepping on Irish Really??!!

I thought how is she sleeping throughout This but then again this is Irish were talking about plus she lives with her but anyways off the subject I walked out the room and into aunt Candice room opening her door slightly and tried walking over to her shades but I ended up tripping over something but I acted like I didn't I walked over there and pulled them back so that the light can come into the room I look over to her and said " Really really" with a bored/tired look and went over and picked the puppy up and walked out the room and said " that's a damn shame your 30 something and jumping up and down over a small dog" I mumbled walking out the room

I mean I could understand if it was a big dog but noo it was a tiny dog I guess she has a fear of dog -shrug- I walked back into my room and put the dog beside Irish walked out the room and went downstairs and made myself some fried apples and bacon 😃😃 yum I finished and walked to the game room and started playing grand theft auto on the play station *****5 Hours later **** Irish was finally up like really we are suppose to be going to the club plus our momma's left earlier for work and dropped carter at daycare and they working overtime tonight I think which leaves us home alone -evil smirk- can you say p-a-r-t-y naw sike

Jk we would get our asses whooped. " ayye Irish we needa go to petco to get the dog toys a cage and food because we're not suppose to feed it human food....." "Kay let me get BB" "I had an confused look on my face "Who B-" "Really??! I said seriously can't believe she names it BB df kind of name is that? Oh well we spent an hour with shopping for the dang dog


it was now 7:30 we need to hurry up if we trying to get in the club I swear Irish is like a snail sometimes #zee Struggle I went to my closet and got out that black fitted dress that we brought early on this week at the mall *cough* fight *cough* We were doing final touch up me putting the final curl in my hair and Ri putting some red lipstick on "I see you gurla" I said she rolled her eyes and said "sexy sexy" looking in the mirror we both busted out laughing we put BB in the basement and walked out the house

Ri grabbed the keys to the camero and I got in the passenger seat and we were off to the club we arrived at 9 so we walked up the security guard and said " what up Phil?" and hugged him that was My cousin "Whatcan I do for y'all?"" V.i.P we said batting our eyes "fine hold on" he started whispering something in his ear and then he opened up the red rope off the metal pole we walked in and i saw people grinding some people were swearing but they have air condition so this is kinda the best club and you can't get in unless you know somebody

"Ayye we leaving @12 so don't go home with nobody" she said and walked away holding a boys hand and started dancing with him I rolled my eyes and walked to the bar and sat on the stool and said " can I get a Virgin Mary" he looked at me strange and made it and I said thanks and turned around bumping into a chest I looked up and saw a boy "watch where the hell your going" he said with range well damn what I do "whatever" I said walking past him bumping shoulders with him "wait.." He said trailing off i looked up to him and said "what" lemme make it up to you"

I moved my hands signaling him to continue "dance with me" I rolled my eyes and said "No" "Dammit stop being stubborn and just dance with me" he said as he was pulling me with him I was stumbling because hello I'm in some heels a slow song came on and

I wrapped my arm around him and said so..... What'd your name "DJ"what about you he said "Natalie but what's your re-" Daniel" he whispered sending chills down my back something told me leave but I stayed he seems like a mystery or a puzzle to be put together... Something about him seems odd ......

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