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My names Natalie Olivia Williams

I'm 18 years old currently

I have Long hair my eyes are green

I'm 5'4 I'm light skin my mom is a single parent raising 2kids me and little brother Carter he is so cute he just started potty training and he's trying to talk he does a lot for a 2year old.

My name is Irish yes who would name there child that? awkward well I'm the fun one but I could get mén (mean) real quick I live with my momma gots to love her my daddy in jail I've known liv since we was potty trained we know each other like the back of our hands I'm 18 also going to college soon just gotta survive this school year :)

P.s I learned how to say mean in Spanish class

My name Daniel I'm the one your parents say don't trust he's bad news he will only treat you bad Your never gonna be #1 in his life how do I know? I've met there mom's Dads Do you think I care? No my parents don't know about my lifestyle and I'm gonna keep it that way they see me as this innocent teenager who go to school hangs out plays basketball but no my life is more then that I steal gamble

Sometimes kill but I steal people's cars break into shops steal from there I don't really get in trouble with the Cops because a) they don't see me and b) they know my parents and like I said in there eyes I'm innocent

Carter Williams

2 years old

Big sister Natalie

Momma:Lisa Camilla Williams

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