Chapter 13

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"Evan!" I yelled from the prison cell they had replaced me in. How could I have been so stupid to believe him? And to hurt Evan, my sweet Evan.. Had I gone mad? No . I'd never go mad, it's simply impossible. 'impossibility doesn't exist...' Whispered my subconscious. I growled and sat on the "bed" provided. I had to get out and get her back. Or else.


I woke up being tugged at. I lay on the ground. Mud covered my face and the day was awfully sunny. I squinted. "Evan?" Asked a sweet voice . I sat up to see Eva and Dana looking at me .


she sat up. Oh crap. She looked awful, sick and weak, but we couldn't tell her that . We gingerly pulled her out of the muddy flower bed to her feet.


"What in the hell happened? " asked Dana, picking at her cherry red nails. Eva whisper-yelled at Dana, "Don't say the H-word!". I sighed and said , "I don't wanna talk about it." Eva grabbed my shoulders. "Oh common! It can't be as bad as OUR situation with king-jerk-face. " I frowned at her. Was she right? Maybe. Okay, okay, most definitely.

"Pierce, my mate, he was dead 'cause of this witch lady, so I had Blaine kill her with Majick as a wish, but then I made a wish that Blaine revived him, and for that second wish Blaine took my baby girl , Catherine, and then he pissed off pierce and made him think I was cheating on him, so.." I gulped and continued, "I-I think... That he.. R-.. R-.." God , it would feel so weird to say it... "Rejected me!" I ended with a sob. The twins gape at me, and then hugged me tightly, whispering comforts to me while I sobbed on them, "I can't even stand being here , around Blaine, after all he's caused in my life in a few days... I've got to get out of here after I help you, but I'll always be your friends . I just can't stay..."


"Sir, -" started a small maid named Amelia. But I didn't let her go on like that.

"Call me Blaine !" I ordered.

"Yes Blaine. The child wants to be fed." She said timidly, holding out the cloth bundle in her arms. I sighed and walked down the steps to Catherine. The baby looked up at me, with wide green eyes, as if I was an intriguing and wonderful king. She was so beautiful. "Just like your mother." I said, poking her nose . She smiled at the mention of her mother. So intelligent too. "Give her to me." I commanded . Amelia did so. And I headed off to find her.


I sighed . Eva and Dana had let me use their shower and make up, and lent me some clothes that kinda-but-not-really-fit me. I was clean and content, but I had some huge , healing , pink scratches. "So Evan how're you gonna get out?" Asked Eva, "It's almost impossible, we've tried."

"I have no idea. I've just gotta get out, start anew, ya know and-"

"Yet again, I must interrupt." Said Blaine. Aw serious?!? "Could you fucking wait? We were having a conversation." I said, and Eva gave me a cold glare at the use of the f-word. "No. Catherine needs fed." I jumped up, waved goodbye to Eva and Dana , walking to my baby. When I tried to take Catherine though, he tugged her away and picked me up , walking me inside and kissing me hard on the neck. I pulled out of his grasp and forcefully took her. "Douche." I muttered . "I heard that." He said.

"You were supposed to. "

"Common." He tugged me to a small room with a rocking chair and crib and picked me up again and sat down. Blaine situated me comfortably on him . I growled. "Nurse."

"Not like this."

"Yes like this, do it."

"NO ."

He grabbed Catherine and set her down and pulled my shirt off. He un clicked my bra. Then he re-situated the three of us so I could nurse her again.


"LET ME OUT." I snarled. Evan felt violated , and it sure as hell wasn't a good thing. If he was the one doing it.. GOD HELP HIM, I WOULD RIP HIM TO SHREDS. I grabbed the metal bar and started to bend it when a warrior guy came and aimed a tranquilizer at me . "Fuck no! leave me alone, I need to get out! I need-" the dart hit me in the damn forehead . "To help Evan." I fell backwards , unconsciously , in a sea of black.


We spent several moments just like that, me nursing and him holding me. Then he pulled me down toward his crotch. Feeling it growing, I groaned , fighting desperately not to respond, to keep the baby happily suckling herself to sleep. He chuckled aroused-ly . What. the . hell. Was. He. Thinking? I knew how to stop it. I now had a weapon. "Blaine, keep your hands to yourself. You have two mates you could play with if you wanted, I'm not one of them." I told him. He and Catherine withdrew from my breast, her breathing softly . The loss of his grimy touch and the baby in my arms was enough to make me smile. I stood and brought Catherine to her crib. Blaine watching me, I pulled on my bra and shirt before he said anything. "Have you ever thought that there was a reason I rejected them?"

Did he have a reason? Hell, not that I could see. "Bull shit."

"No . You don't know what they are. I do. They're extremely dangerous, and it would be my fault if they hurt anyone. Mine. " he pointed to his chest.

I sighed. How deceitful could he be? "That's a lie Blaine. They aren't dangerous . They wouldn't hurt anyone. You don't have a reason, admit it."

I crossed my arms.

"Have you seen them at night? At all? No! You haven't seen what they become."

"What do they become? Booger-monsters?"

"They become soul-suckers. Their mom was half , they wander around sucking out souls and staining dreams. Ok, now you know our little secret. What are you going to say?"

"That I still don't believe you. That I hate you. That you need to love them, not resist them. I donno."

"I'm serious! If you don't believe me then meet me here later tonight."

I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. So where's Pierce?"

"Why do you care?" He snarled, "he rejected you."

I kept tears in my eye-sockets, and didn't let the rivers drip. "He didn't reject me! He only accidentally scratched me. UGH god, I HATE YOU. Where is he ?" I said , walking up to him pushing him backwards . He squinted his eyes. "The dungeon, where he belongs for rejecting a beauty like you."

I growled, "I TOLD YOU , HE DIDN'T REJECT ME!" Then I stepped backwards and looked behind me. Catherine was apparently a miracle sleeper. I looked at Blaine and ran from the room down several corridors to the dungeon. There weren't many filled cells, and pierce was easy to find.

I was also glad to find that there were no guards at the moment

Although cute in his sleep, he looked pained, laying there like a malnourished dog. He hadn't had blood for a long time, I could tell. I could feel it. That would have to change. I tugged on his leg , that was covered half by jean shorts, through the bars and he woke, icy eyes bugging. Pierce relaxed and smiled when he saw me. "Evan! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! I love you." He said, and grabbed my hand kissing it hard. Then he jerked away, I felt his bloodlust. I didn't bother with small talk . "Bite me."

He made a small 'hm?' Sound, and looked confused. "Bite me pierce. Drink from me. Please."

My mate couldn't refuse. He latched onto my wrist sucking so it would leave a hickey, and bit down. I screamed in pain but then moaned in pleasure. As he consumed my blood , I felt happier, more whole, and of coarse at the moment horny. Eventually he pulled away, healing and sealing the cut with a lick. "Come're." He told me. I moved closer to the bars and he licked the pink scars he'd caused the other day. They immediately looked way better. "I love you." I told him. "I love you too."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2013 ⏰

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