Chappy 2

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I slowly approached him , looking him up and down . The wolf had a long silken grey-brown coat . His leg seemed to be bleeding a bit .. But nothing else seemed injured . I sucked in a large breath when I saw his ice-y blue eyes . They took me to another place , by a river stream of that dark and ice-y color . It was so amazing it almost paralyzed me . So I just stood there.

(HIS p.o.v.) I felt like an animal in a zoo , her staring and all . So I scanned her right back . We looked each other over until we locked eyes . My blues and her glassy greens. She was gorgeous . She even smelled fucken amazing . But I couldn't let her get in the way of the way it was supposed to be . The natural order . She couldn't be seeing a werewolf or they die . I started to get up, trying my hardest not to limp . My ears perked up when I heard her following me . I gave the girl a glare . Her eyes told me she was scared. Aww, the poor thing must have thought she had to take care of me ! Yeah no. I started walking again. Go away! Why was she even here ? She wasn't supposed to come here , no one was . The woods were restricted in Willowburn , all of them. And so was my love, she couldn't be seen with me.

(Back2evan) I couldn't believe it. I just stood there like an idiot the whole time until he disappeared into the woods . Then I hopped into my car and sped away. Omigod . I felt so helpless , so weird and frozen . That feeling is just unshakeable . I turned on the radio and cranked it to the near end of 'too close' by Alex Clare . I am such a reckless driver !!! Ugh. Then I started to sing along when 'plug in baby' by Muse started to play.

When I got home I didn't even bother taking off my clothes . I just hopped under the covers and looked around when I realized that I couldn't sleep . I hated that feeling ! I hated my pepto-bismol colored walls and the ugly decor too. What was with that wolf? Was it more than a wolf? I thought of his eyes . Endless and cold . Distant and blue .they were Wonderful. I fell asleep thinking of them .

I slept wonderfully . But I had a vision of my past . Pictures on a wooden wall. A little girl resembling myself and a boy sitting in life jackets on a boat . The girl and a red head girl playing hop-scotch. A blonde woman and her two kids, the girl and the boy. The boy's sweet sixteen. The girl'a sweet sixteen.

Then I awoke and ran to the bathroom to chuck up my insides . Ew. I smoothed my hair down and checked my phone .

Unicorn got into some lady's yard. 345 summer street . Please handle it . I'll give you a day off.


Oh no . Unicorns are not what you think. They're nasty, dirty, stinky, retarded creatures . Their horns are invisible to regular humans and they are just DUMB . Ho-hum . I guess a day off is a day off, right ? I threw on a sweatshirt and some skinny jeans . No one would see me today anyway. I didn't need camouflage . Driving off , I sighed . This wouldn't be easy .

"GO HOME YOU IDIOT!!!" I screamed at the smelly thing, throwing a soda-can at it. I had had it. " I have a name , and it's not idiot." Wtf! So I have spent two hours shoo-ing him and he finally reveals he can talk?!? " A SHIT I DON'T GIVE!" I screamed again. "It's rainbow pony." I burst out laughing . " RAINBOW PONY? That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard !" I finally stopped laughing. "You want some hay?" I asked , pulling out some enchanted hay from my purse. Enchanted hay works on unicorns to make them do whatever you tell them to . He wandered to me and within seconds it was gone . "GO HOME RAINBOW PONY." Rainbow pony started towards the woods . That was easier than I thought .

I started to drive home when I felt a strong pull from the woods . I wanted to see my wolf . Actually, I needed to. To find out what he was. I pulled over and locked my sweet black car.

My steps made small crinkling-leaf noises in the fall air . I took many steps until I was lost . But for some reason that didn't bother me . That was, until I looked up from the ground I was currently starring at , and met two pairs of hungry eyes .


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