Chapter 4

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"Oh honey and this is you and Harper. You guys used to be BFFs. " said my mom . My dad , Charles grey, had apparently left when I was 7 and my brother, Emmett, was 10. Harper was my best , but not only , friend through-out school , and my boyfriend Sam and I had shared some pretty intimate moments . I used to be popular-ish. I remembered most everything now . "Mom , I just want to know how I got taken from you." I said . She grew sad and distant.

"Mom? " she shook her head angrily and a tear fell from her eye. "Modern day Rapunzel. We um.. I was going to tell you after we looked at pictures but.. Well we come from a line of vampires, your father actually . It's impossible for a vampire to impregnate a human , however Emmet was inside me.. And I would've died had your dad not gotten that Witch , Kelsey to spell me up. She requested one thing in return: for my first girl to become her personal slave. Hence you were stolen. But your father said he would sacrifice himself for you. He left ..and I don't know where he went . That's all. I told your friends that you headed to college, but Harper ... Turns out she's a werewolf and she knew I was lying. I'm sorry this is so sudden ." I shook my head and said ," mom , I work with that witch . She's my 'boss' . I know about the supernatural . It's not too sudden. It's ok though." She wiped away her tears and hugged me. "Kill the witch for me . Please. Kill her for taking you. For wiping your memory. For taking my husband , your father. She must die."

After that my mom said I should head out to Harpers apartment. Talk to her. Then talk to Sam . She gave me addresses and sent me away .

It was nearly seven when I got to Harpers . She answered the door. "Evan! O-mi-god ! It's been, like, forever! " she said when she answered the door. The red-head was in a purple shirt and neon green pants , and holding a sleeping baby boy . She had already gotten on with her life. "Harper I'm so sorry it's so late , but I'm sorry I left . The witch has me working for her now and .. And I just had to come back once I remembered cus she brain washed me." In the middle if my rambling she led me inside her place . It was alright. "Nice place." I told her. She giggled . "I totally understand !" She said . I shrugged . "So who's your mister?" I asked. "Mister??? Oh this is Matthew, I'm baby-sitting." She said gesturing to the baby. "Oh .", I said. "Hey uhh... Does Sam know your in town? He's become very lonely when you left."

I shook my head. "Nah but I've gotta leave so I can go see him ." She giggled again and set Matthew on a baby bed. "Have fun." She said . "I will. Seeya."

He answered the door in his shorts and my oh my, did the boy look hot. About as hot as pierce . Bah. He had shaggy light brown hair and blue eyes, not to mention abs. He hugged me immediately. Then he kissed me and it felt so normal ... Until I felt fangs nibbling my lips. He pulled me inside shutting the door. I pulled away. "Shit n shit. Your a vampire huh." I said. He smirked . "And I know all that happened now. I read your mind . And love , don't worry . I'll take that stupid pierce away. " he pulled me on the couch and started kissing me again. I was speechless . "Honey we're still gonna get married right? And have kids and live together forever? Right?" He asked against my lips. We always dreamed that before. I kissed him and it just felt so good. He felt like my destiny , he made me feel happy and fresh. "I don't know." I said against his lips after taking a small breath. He started to trail his lips down to my neck and started to nibble just a little. I clung to him and let him proceed until a sharp pain hit my neck . But then it felt sensual and amazing. I gasped and moaned . He chuckled and continued sucking small drops of blood out of me.


I knew that she was with a vampire and it just drove me crazy. I ripped a few trees down and made my way into Willowburn . He couldn't have Evan, she was MINE. I wanted to cry and rip his and her throats out at the same time. But I would settle with only his because I loved her.


Sam . All that was on my mind was sam. And that I wanted more . He had stripped me down to just my bra and undies . And I actually wanted more. It was so fun . I felt relaxed and tense and aroused and infuriated all at the same time . And what the heck , I could have sex , Sam was so FRIGGIN SEXY. He had slid a ring on my ring finger in the meantime and I just wanted to stay here . Forever. Suddenly I heard the sound of breaking glass and wood .


And I had thought that watching my mates arms being eaten was sick. "SAMUEL REED ." I yelled as soon as I erupted through the door. He pulled away from Evan and licked her neck off so it would heal. He smirked and said ," guess it pays to be here first." Evan reached for him and pulled herself into him. She looked uncomfortable. "What's wrong?" He asked her quietly. "Get him away. Make him leave." He chuckled. "Why don't you tell him that yourself." He said. "Go away ." She said , pain in her eyes. I felt awful and so infuriated. I grabbed her away from him before he could do anything. "EVANGELINE, HOW COULD YOU. YOU ARE MY MATE AND IT WILL STAY THAT WAY." I told her , throwing the ring on her finger on the floor. She started to cry. "This isn't what you do to people you love!" She sobbed. Sam snatched her . "Yeah. It's not what you do to people you love. If you love them , you let them go. " he said.


"BUT SHE IS MINE ! SHE CANNOT DENY THAT." screamed pierce. I just wanted to be invisible . I just wanted to die. "She is not an object and she doesn't belong to you." Said Sam calmly . He held me bridal style against his toned chest. "Get out pierce or I'm going to have to report you. And you don't wanna die again, do you?" Asked Sam . Pierce ran out of the house angrily. Sam kissed me. "It's ok ." He hushed sitting me on the couch next to him. "He's gone , it's ok. Stop crying." He rocked me back and forth like a baby , and when that wouldn't work he started to suck on my neck and although it felt good I couldn't stop crying. Pierce had hurt me . "Evan, my love , stop crying . Please." Sam pecked me all over my face. I couldn't stop the endless waterfall. Then he started to tickle me. I started to giggle and the tears stopped . I sniffled and laughed as he tickled my stomach."There we

Go ." He said.He laughed when I laughed . His laughter was the best thing ever . Then he asked me if I wanted a drink . "Sure." I replied. He came back from the kitchen and handed me a beer. He had nothing for himself though. "What about you?" I asked . "I'll just drink the beer you drink .. From you. K?" I nodded and took the beer. I popped it open and chugged it . It felt pretty nice to have some alcohol . He chuckled . "Aww Hun , you didn't have to chug it . You could've just asked me to bite you. I'll do it any time, you know, precious." I giggled . "You're not going Gollum on me , right ?" He laughed. "No." He sat and pulled me on his lap. Sam lowered his mouth but I stopped him. "Not the same place!" I scolded, "It gets boring." He laughed again and pulled me up. Now he lowered his lip to my a little above my hip. When he bit in I moaned and felt like I was high, drunk, and in outer space. I didn't want him to stop. But he did. "Is it true that he's your mate?" "SAM!!" I screamed . "Honey, if I keep going, you'll die.. If he's your mate. " he explained. "I don't know . I had strong feelings for him but.. I hate him. Please keep going." He kissed me hard. "Honey I can't ."

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