Chapter 8, yo

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It's too bad they had spotted me, after I had put in so much effort into that plan . It would've been easier if I had been able to kill them there, too. But now I was to go with them on their little trek, plenty of chances to go in for the kill then, right? I packed up quickly and went to the cabin's living room . Today was a chilly autumn November thirteenth, at 11:43. It was time to head out at 12:00. Hopefully I could get them soon.


The living room was already packed. Rihanna sat holding her leopard print back-pack on her lap , Lacy fiddling with the straps of her bright neon-pink joe-boxer baggy, John tapping his foot on the ground with his black back-pack over his shoulder, and I drooped over the end of the couch holding my belonging-stuffed-about-to-explode purse . "How much longer?" I whined at Pierce who was pacing the room with his black back-pack with his name written on it. "Not long, he should be here any time now.." He replied . Pierce pressed his lips to my forehead . The second he pulled away we heard the door open and all looked in that direction, smiling grins so wide we might've broken our faces. There stood a boy who looked like Rihanna, probably 5'11, and about 28. His soft emerald eyes looked around at us. Rihanna got up and ran at him, hugging him, saying "Kyle!!! It's been so long!" That explained the resemblance , he was definitely her brother. He held a lime green bag slung over his shoulder. Hell, why was I paying attention to people's bags? I jumped up. "So we can go now?" I asked . Pierce and Kyle both chuckled. "Yeah , let's go."

Soon we were on our way, as happy as can be . We held subtle side conversations and hiked through the woods for hours, since according to Pierce the way was too complicated for a car. I walked in about the middle of the pack , enjoying the safety and scenery of the moment. I sighed, and ignored the twangs of pain in my tired legs. The air smelled of pine and fall leaves. I loved it . Suddenly we came to a double/split tree . Everyone continued walking , as if it weren't even there. "Uh , guys?" I asked . Then Kyle, first in line , walked through the tree. Like, disappeared . Then lacy . Then John. I was next . I whimpered. So Pierce , who was behind me, grasped my hand and led me through. "Damn, you paranormal are sneaky." I muttered. As we stepped into a meadow full of green grass and multi-colored flowers, I couldn't help but sigh in the spring air . It smelled like flowers and fruit, a smell I quite liked . Pierce still gripped my hand softly , lovingly. This moment, although strange, It felt normal to me . We trekked out over the meadow with little words .

An hour later my legs ached so bad that I couldn't go any farther. I collapsed on my butt and Rihanna tripped over me . We all laughed for about ten minutes at the crash-collision. When we had all wiped the laughs from our face, Pierce picked me up bridal style and I rolled my eyes. People just must be obsessed with picking me up like that! Pierce gave me a soft peck before we set off again. Soon I fell asleep in warm arms, pressed against a comfy, sexy, chest. My mate's arms, my mate's chest. Now I was sure I loved him, even of he was sometimes a jerky bastard . I love you, Pierce .

When I woke I felt a soft fabric under me and overheard Pierce talking to John, who apparently shared a tent with Rihanna , while Kyle shared a tent with lacy , who seemed to not really like him at all. I heard a soft snore from presumably lacy, who snored like a kitten (pretty adorably).

Then Pierce entered our tent , icy eyes tired. I could see that it was dark outside, and could still smell flowers and fruit. We were still in the meadow. "We're still in the meadow?" I asked/stated. "Yeah", he replied, "Lets just hope we don't meet any unicorns." He then undressed into his black boxers and climbed into the inflatable bed with me. Hugging my still-clothed back to his bare chest , he started to breath slowly. "Pierce?" I asked barely over the soft snores of the pack filling the area, to see if he was still awake. "Yeah?" Came a whisper back. I sighed, deciding to just tell him. "I love you . " I said with a grin. he chuckled. "And how could I not love you, Evan? " he stated, more than asked. I got up quickly and silently to shed my clothing, the wholly jeans were especially bugging me. Then I lay down again , hugged to pierce . He soon after fell asleep , which was hard for me when my stomach rumbled. But eventually I fell fast asleep for the second time today .

The second time I woke to smell.. Bacon? My mouth watered, I nearly drooled as I struggled out of Pierce's arms, dressed, and shuffled outside. Sure enough, John was cooking bacon, eggs , and toast. Man these guys came prepared. I completely fell out of my sleepy trance and ran to the campfire grabbing a plateful of bacon mostly and one egg. I shoved my face. After all, I was starving. Licking my fingers, I sensed the most startling thing ever.

A familiar nasty smell and whinny. Then a familiar unicorn's voice saying, "Hey I know you. You hypnotized me with Enchanted Hay. " I looked up at the ugly creature about 8 feet from me and inched backwards . I looked around. Everyone was ready for combat . They probably wouldn't need to though. "Uh, hey'a there , erm, Rainbow Pony... Uh .. How are you?" I stuttered, forcing a friendly smile. The pack lightened slightly, laughing at his name. "Ok I suppose but what're you humans doin here?" He replied. "We're not humans!" Growled lacy, who looked like she'd had a bad night and day. "Oh . Er, ok. Well, what are you doing?" He asked nosily . I opened my mouth to give an answer when Pierce came out of the tent . He looked furious. "STUPID MOTHER FUCKING UNICORN, GO AWAY!" he scream/growled , shifting into a wolf (while ripping his boxers off) and snarling. If there's one thing I know, it's that unicorns hate wolves. Rainbow Pony shit himself, and then galloped away like hell. Pierce then trotted back into the tent to get dressed.

About an hour later, we all started off. Today was going to be a good day.


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