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Winifred Tucker. Call her Winnie. She hates Winifred. I mean seriously, who calls their child that in this century? It makes her sound like that witch who abused her sisters and ate children's youth. You know, Hocus Pocus? And it does not help she has untamable ginger curls and is from Salem, Massachusetts.

Well not anymore. Now she lives in Macon, Georgia, the Heart of Georgia. Literally. I guess you can say it's the Pit of the Peach State. Get it? Because peaches have- Nevermind.

Anyway, what are the odds right?

What are the odds that Macon (*cough cough* Bacon *cough cough*) is the base of all evil in Georgia? What are the odds that she catches the attention of every supernatural thing in town? What are the odds that she can't have a simple life where she has no idea about the things that go bump in the night? What are the odds that those paranormal creatures are hawt with a capital H and won't leave her the heck alone?

Well apparently pretty dang high.


I got this idea last night. Last night I was reading Forgotten by @ladybugtastic when I heard scratching at the back door. Freaking out, I turn on the light in the room and turn on the porch light (After jumping back, waiting for something to attack me). There was nothing there. Later at 12:30 I went upstairs and brushed my teeth and hair, getting ready for bed. The door, I swear to you I shut it completely, creaked open enough for a head to peak through giving me a heart attack but that wasn't my worst fright of the night. There was nothing there once again and once I finish getting ready I exited the bathroom. Only for what sounded like a choked bark behind me. NOTHING WAS THERE ONCE AGAIN. IF YOU PLAN ON KILLING ME DO IT QUICK AND STOP TORTURING ME. I speed walk to the stairs but when I reached them I heard nails hitting the hardwood floor as if a dog was following me. GTFO flashed before me and I ran like the devil was on my heels (At the time I thought it was a hellhound so it seemed fitting) I told my Wattpad little sister, iceysoda41, about it and she listed all of these things to help me, salt, devils trap, and even an excorcism (Don't ask how she found it.). So it only seems right that I dedicate this book to my little Cola, paranormal extraordinaire. Hope you like it you guys.






P.S. This is the 3rd time I rewrote the description and so help me if this does not work I am going to smack something.

The Devil Went Down To GeorgiaWhere stories live. Discover now