Chp. 7// Off to Prison

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Kian's POV;
I wipe my tears off after what seems like forever. Ordinary begins blasting through my room. I walk over to my phone and pick it up. (K-Kian, U-Unknown)
K: Hello?
U:Hello Mr. Lawley?
K: Yes this is him. Who is this?
U: Officer Daniels from the LAPD.
K- Oh okay. How may I help you?
O (Officer)- Can you please come down to the station? We have a young lady here saying that she is living with you and some friends of yours. She is in a giant amount of trouble Mr. Lawley. We are talking 5-9 years in prison.
K- WHAT??!!!
O- Please just come down to the station and we will explain everything.
K- I will be there right away thank you.
I quickly hung up the phone and banged on everyones door. "What?" Ricky said walking out of his room rubbing his eyes. "ROSIE IS ABOUT TO GO TO PRISON WE HAVE TO GO TO THE POLICE STATION!" I screamed putting on my vans. His eyes opened wide and he ran to get all the other guys.

*At the station*
Carla/Rosies POV;
I sat in the cell. I have been here before. Its nothing new. I sat there waiting for them to release me. Two officers were whispering something to each other by one of the mans desk. "Apparently we are dealing with a murder. When Ms.Russet hit the ground, her skull cracked breaking pieces into her brain." What? I.. I killed Andrea. I was too in shock to move. I heard Kian and the boys voices echo through out the concrete walls. "We are here for Rosalinda Amicerano." I think Kian said. "One second sir. Umm we have no name records for that name." Oh no. Oh my god. They are going to find out. "What?" Ricky said. This can't be happening. "Do you see her in any cell?" The lady said. Kian walked around and finally we made eye contact. He walked back over to the lady. "Cell number 5" "Cell number 5 is occupied by Carla (I forget how to spell her last name😂😂😂😂) H." I became silent. "Ca..carla?" Connor choked out. "Officer Daniels please bring Ms.H out." He nodded and unlocked my cell door. He pushed me over to a van outside. The boys ran behind him. "What is going on?!" Kian practically screamed. "Carla H, you are under arrest for the murder of Andrea Russet. Anything you say or do will be held against you in the court of law." I looked behind me and I was heartbroken. "KIAN IM SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO HURT YOU OR ANDREA IM SO SORRY KIAN I WILL SEE YOU SOON!" I screamed tears running down my face. "Fuck you Carla Rosie. Whoever you are. Fuck. You." Kian whisper/yelled. My whole world just stopped. My heart sank into my stomach. This.. Can't be happening.

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