Chapter 8: Where I Belong

Start from the beginning

I was trying to play the Guilt Card.

I almost died because of him, he at least deserved to suffer a little bit.

Two hours.

We had been walking for two hours. Maggie had reported 'about three miles west', but we had gone far past 'about three miles'.

At some point, Glenn had retaken his position between Daryl and I, deciding it was better if he could see us in case we got attacked. ("Like tha's gon' happen," Daryl had said).

I knew his real reason was to make sure one of us didn't shoot the other.

The tension between Daryl and I was so thick, one of us would've done it eventually.

"Glenn, are you sure Maggie said west?" I asked, leaning against a tree.

"Yes! Unlike some people, I actually listen to my significant other." Glenn said, shooting a pointed glare at me.

I raised my eyebrows, "Sorry, is that an accusation?" 

Daryl stalked towards me, "If it weren't fer ye', I coulda saved Kaylee." 

I cringed at his words and anger started to bubbled in the recesses of my mind.

"If ye' had jus' stayed inside the damn metro station, I coulda shot the damn walker before it got to my sister."

Daryl spat at the ground next to my boots and stormed back to his original place beside Glenn.

"Is that why you kicked me out?" I asked quietly.

I got my answer when both Daryl and Glenn stayed silent.

"You think it's my fault Kaylee was killed?" I asked, louder than before.

I could feel blood heating up in my face and I knew I looked like a flustered chicken trying to fly over a fence.

Daryl was boring his eyes into mine and Glenn was staring at his shoes, hiding his face from me.

"Fine," I snapped, "Find the damn group yourself."

If they wanted to blame me for something I had no control over, they could take out a big group themselves.

I started to jog back into the forest, heading east this time.

"Wait!" Glenn yelled, "You're going to help us?" 

I swiveled on my heels to face them again.

"You're big boys, you can handle yourselves." I sneered at Glenn's expression and continued back towards the metro station at full pace.

Arrow after arrow smacked into the defenseless tree. As soon as I had gotten back, I hadn't bothered going into the metro station.

Instead, I began shooting at the nearest tree or the occasional walker.

I was swearing heavily and at one point I had heard Glenn and Daryl coming back from their raid, with Glenn muttering about how unsuccessful it was.

That almost cheered me up. Even with Tracker-Daryl they hadn't found the group. 

The gray skies of dusk were slowly consuming the sky and I continued shooting the tree, my anger slowly dissipating.

"Showin' that tree no mercy, ain't ya'?" 

I lowered my bow and turned to see Shaw leaning against the brick wall that guarded the metro station.

I huffed and tugged multiple arrows out of the bark of the tree and shoved them back into my sheath.

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