Getting engaged Zane/Jay

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You and Zane are walking through a forest when he suddenly stops and stares at one tree.
What is it? You ask walking up behind him.
Watch this,he said with a smile. He hooked his hand on a price of the trees bark and pulled back revealing a door that led into a long staircase.
Woah,you say as he steps inside motioning for you to fallow. You go down the long staircase until you reach a large room at the bottom. What is this,you ask looking around. Zane kisses you,its where I was built,he explains.
Its amazing, you say starting to walk around. You look down at a desk and see a blueprint.
Is this you,you ask Zane holding it up. Yeah,he smiles seeing it.
Wow look at this programming,you say looking at all the different coding on the blueprint.
Yeah I'm quite impressed with my father for finding a way to create a whole new human,he nods.
You sit on the nearby bed talking for a while then he crouches down and sticks his hand under the bed.
Close your eyes.
As you do so you hear his arm reach out from under the bed and him shifting on the floor.
You can open your eyes now.
You open your eyes to see Zane down on one knee holding up a ring.
Oh my god,you whisper putting your hands up to your mouth.
Then he says the words,Y/N I have loved you ever since I laid my eyes on you,will you marry me?
You begin to tear up,then you hug him and whisper a soft,yes,into his ear.
You and Jay where getting ice cream and going to the park to eat it and talk about life. When you got there and you sat down and started discussing everything that you guys could think of just so you could make conversation. You where having a conversation about the best kind of pie when he suddenly stopped talking. You looked over at him to see him staring at you with a weird look on his face.
Uh Jay?,you ask confused at what is going on.
Oh sorry,he blushed then went right back to giving you that weired look,you're so beautiful,he mutters.
Now its your turn to blush,he always gave these random compliments to you bit you loved how he would always tell you these things randomly instead of only at special events or whatever.
You sat there blushing at each other when he finally said something, Y/N can I ask you something?
Yeah,you say,anything.
He gets down on one knee,holds your hand in his and says,Y/N you are the smartest, funniest, most beautiful woman I've ever met,so I was wondering, he paused to pull out a small velvet box,if you'd marry me, he had now opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. Yes!,you squeled jumping into his arms.
He laughed and kissed your cheek as you tackled him onto the ground.

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