Fuckboi Central Pt.2?

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lol so I gave my hoe Lauren the guy who fingered my friends snapchat (I'm gonna call him Connor) and they started snapchatting. I didn't mind because Lauren lives in freakin Ohio and I live in Georgia and she wouldn't want to have a relationship with Connor she only wanted a guy friend to talk to.
Well they have been talking for the past few days and he sent her a dick pic also (I know very surprising) and he told her something about my friend Leslie, the one he fingered, he said that he finds her annoying and he only used her. He then says that he likes Lauren even though Lauren doesn't like him like that. I could make this longer but I'm frankly pissed off at Connor so I'm just gonna sleep it off.
The worst part about it was the fact that Leslie told me yesterday that Connor is the only guy she has really liked for a while and she can barely think about any other guy besides him. She also said that every time she gets a notification from him she gets butterflies and gets super excited. Overall I'm pretty freakin mad at the situation.

xx Alexis xx


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