Chapter 1.

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"Come on Dean we've got to get you going!" Bobby yelled from down the stairs. Dean lifted his head, dreading this moment. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes looking at his now empty room. He sighed grabbing a pair of jeans and a red tee slipping on his favorite combat boots. He walked into the bathroom slowly brushing his teeth looking into the mirror. His eyes focused on the necklace his little brother Sam gave him over three years ago. Dean washed his face, grabbed his toothbrush, and slowly made his way downstairs. He quietly ate with Bobby. "It's only for a year Dean." Bobby stated.

The boy nodded looking up at Bobby. "So your dropping me off and staying for a couple days?"

"Yup. A buddy of mine, Rufus, he owns a auto shop. Going to go see if I could get you a job there." A small smile sat on Dean's face. If there's one thing to know about Dean Winchester he loved cars. He loved fixing them, driving them, hell even drawing them. He could take apart a cars engine and put it back together without even looking. After they finished eating Bobby and Dean loaded the truck with all of Deans belongings. He looked back at Bobby's house sadly and hopped into the truck as the two men headed for Lawrence Kanas.

After seven hours of classic rock and sight seeing Bobby and Dean made it to Lawrence. Dean studied the house seeing it hadn't changed. Just then a boy came running out and a smile lit Deans face. He climbed out of the car and ran to the boy hugging him tightly. "Dean!" The boy yelled not letting his brother go. The older Winchester picked up his brother holding him tightly.

"How I missed you Sammy." Dean said softly setting his brother down. Sam hugged Bobby and grabbed Dean's hand in excitement.

"Come on I'll show you your room!" Sam pulled Dean through the house and up the stairs to the first door on the right. "I fixed it up myself." Around the room held posters of classic rock singers. CD's and albums racked the walls as a guitar laid in the corner. "I've been collecting CD's and albums ever since you left." Dean smiled and hugged his brother.

"Thanks Sammy." He rustled the youngest boys hair and looking around the room. "I love it."

"Come down here you idijit and grab your stuff!" Bobby yelled. Dean smiled and headed down the stairs with his brother at his heels. After they've brought all the boxes the 3 boys ate. "Where's your dad?" Bobby asked Sam.

"He went out for food. He should be back anytime now." Sam said picking at his plate. Just then a car pulled up outside. Dean knew who it was by the purr of the engine. He looked outside and seen the most beautiful car. 1967 Chevy Impala. His dad's car. Just then John Winchester got out the car and Dean sat back at his seat. Dean didn't raise his head when the door opened. He focused on his meal not wanting to see his fathers face.

Bobby stood up and shook John's hand. "Nice to see you again John." John nodded and looked over at his oldest. Dean lifted his head meeting his fathers eyes.

"John." Dean stated looking back down at his food. John brought in all the bags putting the groceries away. After an hour of tension Bobby headed to Rufus's auto shop to get Dean that job. As Sam got ready for bed John sat across from Dean.

"Your in my house and you'll listen to my rules alright?" John said. Dean looked up at his father and rolled his eyes.

"I'm only here for Sam. I'm not here to fucking apologize or some shit." Dean spat earning him a hard slap in the face.

"Watch your tongue with me boy!" John roared as Dean bit his lip and held his cheek. "Now listen here. I have a work trip tomorrow. I'll be gone for a little over a month. Your brother is your responsibility. No one should be over." He handed Dean his keys. "The car is yours until I get back. If theres a scratch on her your ass is getting it. I don't want your sass Dean. I'm not in the mood for any of your bitch fits." John got up and headed to his room. Dean rubbed his cheek knowing a red hand print was let as a reminder as he mumbled softly under his breath.

The eldest Winchester boy made it to his room closing the door behind him. He grabbed the guitar and started strumming to Hey Jude singing the words softly until he feel asleep.

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