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I'm the only one that can see him. In the water he has a tail, but as soon as he leaves the water he has legs. He walked up to me, his hard flat chest had water rolling down it. I felt envious of those water droplets. I wanted to be the one touching his skin. I wanted to kiss away each droplet and run my fingers over his hard body. I looked him in the eye as he came closer. My body responding to his presence. He reached out and his hand touched my waist pulling me to him. I couldn't stop the moan that escaped me. He smiled at me then he lowered his head and his lips touched mine. A chain reaction happened.

My arms went around his neck and hands in his soft damp hair pulling him closer, he grabbed my thighs and I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. I moaned as I felt his erection pressed against my inner thigh. He kissed down my neck and stopped at the silver and white mark on my collarbone. I saw one exactly like mine on his. I kissed his mark and he moaned then said. "Your mine." Then he bit me. I cried out in shock and pleasure as pleasure rocketed through me and my back arched causing my breasts to push against his chest. I gasped for breath and he whispered. "I love you." Then I was jolted awake by the sound of my adoptive mom screaming and glass shattering. She obviously was drunk and in a bad mood. When her husband died she became a drunkard.

I laid back on my bed and my cheeks heated. I was wet. Every night I dream of him and he bites me, calls me his, and says he loves me. Every night I dream of us doing those things only for me to wake up alone, disappointed, and sad.

I first started having these dreams when I was ten and I had met the man when he was younger. He had gaped at me and I couldn't help but blush and bite my lip. He had started to run towards me, but then my adoptive mom grabbed my arm and dragged me away, much to my displeasure. Then a week later we moved away and I never got to see him again. A few months later I had my first dream of him.

I wanted to see him so bad, I wanted to be with him so bad. But years went on and my dreams got more intimate and detailed each year. So when mother moved us back to were I first met him last Saturday I was so happy. As soon as we got here I ran into the woods and searched for the cave that had a very big and deep pond around it. I didn't find it till a few days later. But he wasn't there. Regardless I spent everyday there and swam until I had to go home. I sighed and climbed out of bed and grabbed my swimsuit and my shirt and shorts and I hopped into my shower.

After I dried off and got dressed I slipped on my sandals grabbed a towel and silently went down stairs. Mother stood in the living room pacing and mumbling incoherent words. I silently snuck past her and into the kitchen. I grabbed a apple, a water bottle, and a pop tart and went out the back door in the kitchen. I hated living with her. It used to be good, but then that changed. I was happy that I had finished school last year and was taking a break before I figured out if I wanted to go to collage. I shook my head and ran into the woods that was our backyard. I found the path that was slowly getting warn in by me and not long later I arrived at the pond. I smiled as I watched the fish play in the clear water. I dropped my towel and took off my shirt and shorts and I dove into the water. I smiled as the water surrounded me. I felt at home here. This was where I've had most of my positive memories.

I swam to the surface and took a deep breath before I went back under and I swam around looking at all the life that lived underwater. I stopped when I came across a hole in the cave wall. It was pitch black in there. Not even the sun reached inside it and my heartbeat quickened in fear. I shook my head and swam to the surface felling low on air. I stayed at the surface for a bit and floated on the water. The sounds of nature surrounding me made me smile and I closed my eyes feeling at peace. But I felt the water move around me as if something big in the water caused the water to move. Alarmed, I quickly swam to the edge and climbed out. I stood at the edge and looked around looking in the water trying to see what had disturbed the water. When I saw a long and silver tail, my jaw dropped. I followed the tail and gasped when I saw a head, a human head poking out of the water watching me.

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