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My nerves have spiked up and I'm nervous.

"C'mon, Caroline. I'll take you." He smiles at me sweetly.


Shit. I even sound nervous.

This isn't the first time he's given me a ride somewhere. He's very persistent and nice. It's one of the things I noticed ever since I met him.

He pulls out his key to his Porsche and starts walking out as I follow him.

"You're not gonna say, goodbye, to your sister?" I ask as I follow him out.

I'm currently living with Cassandra, who is my boss and his sister. I clean her house and she lets me stay here in return.

Not permanently, of course.

"Nope." He says as he opens the front door.

I keep following him out and I notice he walks with confidence to his car. You can clearly tell he's rocking a gorgeous body underneath that dark suit.

He turns around to look at me once we reach his car and he smiles.

God. That smile!

My heart flutters each time.

His blue eyes are full of content. He always seems like a genuinely happy person so besides his handsome looks making me nervous, I can always be happy around him for no reason.

He opens the passenger door of his car for me to get in as his phone starts to ring and he pulls it out of his pocket to check the screen. I climb in and shut the door after me.

He's only on the phone for a short moment before he gets in the driver's seat of his car.

"Got everything you need?" He looks down at my purse.

I nod.

He reeves out of the driveway and I take a moment to look at him, while he's driving.

His blonde hair is perfectly styled as it is every time I see him. But his eyes. I love looking at his eyes. They're a bright crystal blue.

"Any crazy plans tonight?" He says as he breaks my gawking.

I clear my throat, "No."

I chuckle.

"I don't see the point."

He frowns, "Why not?"

I shrug my shoulder, "Not sure if it's because trying to make conversation with a drunk person is a waste of time or spending my money on getting drunk is a waste of money when I could be comfortable on my bed watching a movie."

He seems pensive as he narrows his eyes and I almost think he's not going to speak again until he chuckles and gives me a quick glance.

"I guess you're right. I didn't necessarily mean go out and party. Even though I'm sure you don't have to waste your money on drinks or waste your time trying to have a conversation with a drunk. Your looks will do all the work."

He grins and I feel my cheeks heat up as I look out the window quickly. I don't want him to see my face getting red. 

Lately, he's been making small comments like telling me I'm cute, I look pretty, my hair looks nice, or sometimes he even compliments the manicure that I give myself.

It's nothing compared to the manicure I've seen on my boss.

If only he knew how much those little comments made my entire day.

"I rather watch movies at home," I say as I keep looking out the window.

Suddenly, I feel his warm hand on top of mine and I'm surprised my neck didn't snap in half from how fast I turned to look at him. 

He keeps looking at the road, nonchalant. While my heart is beating at a much faster rate than I ever thought it'd be able to. My face feels hotter than before.

He gives me a small soft smile as he gives me a quick glance. I think I sink into his passenger seat even more.

"I like that sweater on you." 

He says as he looks back at the road and he moves his hand so he can link our fingers together.

Oh my god. This isn't happening.

"Makes your honey-colored eyes stand out. They're really pretty."

I've never really thought anything much of this sweater, it's just a cream-colored knit sweater. But, for some reason, his comment made me like this sweater more than ever. 

I look down at our hands. His hand is much bigger than mine. I like it. This has never happened to me before.

But, how?

He's rich and handsome. I have nothing to offer. I work for his sister. 

I clean her house!

Once we near the foster house I volunteer in, I open my hand and he moves his, back to his side. I feel like I can breathe again. 

Somehow I still want him to hold my hand.


It's wrong. I shouldn't want him to.

He's rich and I have nothing. Which sucks because he's really nice. 

He comes to a stop in front of the house and I smile at him.

"Thank you, Calvin."

He gives me a soft smile that always gets me all mushy inside. Gosh, I sound like a fangirl.

"No problem, Caroline. Need me to pick you up?"

I shake my head immediately, "I'll be fine, thank you."

He gives me a cheeky smile and I step out of the car while he's powering down the passenger side window as he leans over to see me.

"How about dinner tonight, since you're not going out to get drunk?"

I open my mouth in disbelief and stand up straight. I look around to see the street empty. 

Okay, it's just me. He asked me.

Before I answer he says, "I won't get drunk either so you don't have to worry about making conversation with a drunk."

He chuckles and it makes me happy.

"Just dinner?" I ask.

"Yes, Caroline. Just dinner." He smiles brightly.

I just can't seem to deny him, so I nod.

I really hope I'm not making a mistake.





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