Chapter Twenty-Five/ The Final Chapter

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No One's POV

Eleven Months Later...

The day had finally come, for Rarity and Spike to be wed.

As the ceremony began, Spike's heart began racing, and he began wonder,

Will she say yes?

Will we be together forever?

What if she stops loving me?

Then, before he even knew it, Rarity came down.

Rarity had been dressed so beautifully, obviously in a dress she made herself.

Rarity looked at Spike, exchanging his vows, and she knew that this was the dragon that she would love forever.

Then Rarity gave her vows.

Celestia then said, "You may kiss,"

And they did.

After everything, they had been through together, they both knew, that they loved eachother and that they would love each other forever.

And with the romantic, happy end, the time has come for me to say,

They Lived Happily Ever After,

The End

For now, anyway...

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