Chapter Twenty-Three

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Princess Celestia's POV

"Hello, girls. Rarity, may I speak with you, please?"

"Of course your highness,"

I brought her outside.

"Rarity, the other princesses and I have made the decision to make you a princess,"

"What? Why?"

"Because, you have healing magic. No other pony alive has it the way you do. You don't even have to say the spell,"

"Wow, Princess Celestia. I-I'm honored." Rarity said.

"Well then, Rarity , I dub thee, Princess Of Healing." I said.

I rose my head and then, I gave her wings.

She will have a castle. Her current home will be her castle.

"Wait, if I'm a princess, then isn't Sweetiebelle a princess too?"

I nodded.

"Yes, she now has a pair of wings. She will be Princess Of Sharing. And has now earned her cutie mark."

She smiled.

"Your higness if you don't mind, I have a request,''

Then she whispered it to me.

"Yes. When ever you want it to happen, I will gladly."

Then she went inside. I am very happy for her.

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