Chapter Sixteen

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Twilight's POV

(A/n: Hey Twilight! Where ya been?)

I began running with Pinkie, Rainbow, and Fluttershy to Rarity's house.

We all heard from Apple Jack that Spike was injured.

And it was serious.

When we got there, I knocked on the door, and Rarity answered it.

"Oh, hello, ladies. Can I help you?"

"Yeah, where's Spike? Apple Jack said he was seriously hurt." I said.

"If you don't mind, we'd like to check on him, please." Fluttershy added.

"Uh, yes. Come in."

Rarity moved over, and let all three of us walk in before shutting the door. (Duh, Pegasister)

"So, where is he?" Rainbow said, breaking the silence that filled the room after we entered.

"He's over here."

Rarity brought us to the guest room, and we saw Spike with a lot of wounds, bruises, and dried blood everywhere on him.

"Spike!" I yelled, and ran to the bedside.

"Hi, Twilight. Are the other girls here?" He weakly said.

"All of us but, AJ."

"Good. I need to tell you all something"

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