Chapter Ten

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Spike's POV

After walking around a little while, Apple Jack started getting a little more comfortable. I did to.

Even though I came for AJ, I can't stop thinking about Rarity. I don't know why I like her so much.

"So, why did you decide you wanted to go out with me Spike?"


I guess I should be honest. I mean, she can tell if anypony is lying.

"Well... I thought that if I went out with somepony else, I could get over Rarity."

"WHAT? You only wanted to go out with me is because of Rarity? Spike, if you want to get over Rarity, try talking to her, instead of using somepony else!"

Then she stormed off. Crying. Well, I am probably going to die. Big Mac warned me, and I didn't mean to hurt her, I really didn't.

I need to stop worrying about that. I need to talk to Rarity. She's all I can think about. AJ's right. I need to talk to Rarity.

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