Chapter 1

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As I stand at the bottom of the steps, I'm beyond confused. "How is this even possible? How is he 13? Am I in the past? Wait, no, I'm still 14; my normal age. This is my house; that's my mom. And this is Non-Famous Shawn Mendes," my thoughts are interrupted by him.

"Um, Meagan? Are you okay," he asked.

"Wait, you know who I am," I asked playing it cool on the outside, but freaking out on the inside.

"Uh yea, we're best friends," he's says and chuckles. Wait what? Best friends? I'm so confused I need time to think.

"Um...I have to pee," I say running upstairs to the bathroom. I get there and shut the door, locking it as well. I stare at myself in the mirror. "Okay, this is all a dream; yea that's it. All I need to do is pinch myself and I'll wake up. OUCH OKAY NEVER MIND THIS IS REAL. But how? Why? I want to find out what is going on, but it's kinda hard because I barely know anything right now. I need to find out more about this Shawn," my thoughts are interrupted yet again by him.

"Meagan, I'm serious. Are you okay? Do you need your mom," he asks, the worry is basically overflowing in his voice.

I open the door, starting him, "Yea, I'm fine. Great actually." I skip down the stairs, almost falling on the last three. I stand in the living room, and everything in my mind disappeared, my mood instantly ten times better. I smelled my favorite smell; food. I ran into the kitchen to find my mom fixing everyone's plates, bacon and eggs, yum.

"Good morning sweetie, what was going on with Shawn and you," she asks handing me my plate as I sat at the table.

"Wait," I say whispering, "you knew he was here?"

She laughs, "of course I did! He comes over every morning before school, remember?"

"Oh, uh, Yea. Just playing around, ya know," I say giving out a nervous chuckle.

"Okay well, hurry up and eat, so you can go get ready for school," she says leaving the kitchen, passing Shawn on the way in.

"Okay so, Shawn Mendes. I need to ask you a few questions," I say gesturing him to sit beside me as I take a bite out if my bacon.

"Okay," he responds a bit hesitant.

"This is basically like a friend test, nothing to worry about if you really are my best friend. First question: How long have we known each other," I say raising an eyebrow at him.

"About 912 days; which is 2 and a half years."
awkward spot to stop but whateva

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