"Of course i am after what you just did to me kitten, i've never seen you get so into it before. Maybe i should start calling you tiger to show your wild side." Evan was smirking, but quickly starting to fall back asleep. 

"Maybe you should,i might inspire me."I winked at him the and he chuckled before falling into a deep sleep. Perfect, now all i have to do is find the gloves and im out of here.

I started off looking in his closet, figureing that if that where he kept his clothes then thats where he would keep gloves, but i couldnt find them in there. Then i looked in his drawers with the same assumption in mind, but once again i could find them. After 20 minuets of looking i still couldnt find them, i was about to give up but finally i thought of where they could be. Under the bed. Evans bed was slightly risen off the floor so he could easliy fit a pair of gloves under there. I reached under and found a shoebox which i opened up and sure enough, there were the gloves.

Excited that i finally found them i took the gloves, shoved the box back under the bed, and ran down the hall to the tourtur chamber, and to Deven. We were finally going to be set free.


(Dylan's P.O.V)

 Driving down the road to either my probable death or the best thing i've ever done, i couldnt help but wonder if its worth it. As soon as that thought entered my mind i got rid of it, of course it is, it's for Holly. Ever since the police have stopped looking for her i started obsessing over every little thing that led up to her dissapearence. I figured out the part where Evan kidnapped her long ago, but all this time i've been wondering where the hell he was. 

But now i know.

They are in the abandoned buildings in the next town over.

How i know this you might ask? Well what you don't know about me was that i know a good few things about what goes on down there, and what gangs are down there. See i used to have i cousin that i was really close to when i was younger called Scott. He used to be the nicest and most fun person, that was until he got into a gang.

He got really violent and even bet up his girlfreind because she wouldnt do what he wanted her to do. It was then that his parents had had enough and gave him some money before kicking him out completely. Right before he told me about this guy called Evan that had offered him a part in the biggest gang in the city, he told me all about what Evan did, what he looked like, where he liked to hide out, everything. 

At first i blamed it merely on coincidence, but my suspitions had grown more and more until i figured out that this Evan kiddnapped Holly. When that happened i knew they were the same person so i went straight to the spot that Scott told me they liked to go to, only to find a different gang there. They told me that Evan wasnt here anymore, but after i did some things im not proud of they told me some possible spots Evan could be.

I've checked all the other spots until this one was the last one left. He has to be here, i keep telling myself over and over in my head, because if he wasnt here i wouldnt have any clue were to look next. Holly needs me, i know it, so she has to be here for me to save her.

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