“You think I would joke about this? She was my girlfriend – is; you can ask anyone! I’m surprised you don’t even know who I am.”


“Look, I’m going to find her, and I’m going to help you find your brother as well. I think that they’re somehow linked. We’ll do it together. Whether you like it or not.” He says stubbornly.

“You don’t even know me.”

“Your name’s Sam and your brother was in a class of mine last semester, you’re also in year 10 and in my sisters class.”

Ah, so that’s where she knew him from.

He had a look on his face which told her he wouldn’t back down, and he wouldn’t, he was serious about this, he was going to get to the bottom of this no matter how long it took. But who says it had to be done alone? “And anyway, I’ve already started my research; I know things. And maybe if we put our heads together-”

“Yeah, yeah, I get it,” she waves him away and bites her lip in a habitual way as she thought through Pros and Cons. “Fine, inbox me tonight about what you know and we’ll start on our research tomorrow after school.” She turns and starts to walk away just as the bell goes off.

“Okay!” He calls after her enthusiastically.

She turns not a second after as she realises something, “I still don’t know your name.”

Smirking easily he shoves his hands in his pockets just as the door beside him opens, “It’s Marshall. Marshall Evans!” he had to call out yet again as a swarm of students soon made him lose sight of the short brown headed girl.

“Do you have it?” Sam asks as she turns to look at Marshall expectantly.

Two weeks later after many researching and over-thinking the two finally came up with an explanation to their missing persons. Someone was abducting teens around town. They found out that nine kids around their age had been classed as runaways from December 2011 to March 2013, the weird thing that linked them together? They all “ran away” around the same time period – linked all the way down to 5:00 pm.

It had to be too much of a coincidence right? And there was barely anything on the police reports that they had scrounged up from the internet. It seemed to Sam, that having Marshall as a companion wasn’t so bad since he knew how to hack.

“Of course I do,” Marshall replies when they finally stopped in front of the Candy Shop across the street of the park, pulling out a sheet of paper that had the information they needed to get into the CCTV and many other things including the lies they were to say to the shop owner.

Sam scanned it over quickly with a satisfied nod of her head before leading the way through the doors of the now-empty store, the ding indicating that they were here.

Immediately a man not much older than Marshall comes out from nowhere, a grin on his face, “why hello there, what can I do you for?”

Smiling politely Sam cuts straight to the point, “we need to see your boss, is she here by any chance?” Sam asks causing the guys face to crumble into a confused expression.

“Sure, may I ask why?”

“We’re part of the alarm company and also take care of the CCTV, we just need to check over a few stuff is all,” Marshall fills in easily having gone over the lie about a hundred times.

The man gives them a funny look and eyes them, “little young aren’t you?”

“Son of the boss,” Sam says nodding her head at Marshall, “I’m an apprentice.”

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