"Do you think I'd honestly get married anywhere that doesn't make me look good? I have a business to think of, Ana! If people hear that I got married in some crappy church that wasn't up to my standards. I'd be the talk of the town. So don't ever suggest that we can do anything small..." He gritted through his teeth. He ignored me for the rest of the evening as he typed away on his laptop. And I let my book take me to a world of adventure that unfortunately didn't exist.


"Ana!" I shook my head out of my daze and looked at Will. He angrily glared at me. The woman showing us the final bouquet of flowers for me smiled awkwardly. "I'm sorry. I just got so caught up in thinking about my wedding. That I didn't hear a thing you said." I lied.

Will seemed satisfied with my excuse and the woman repeated what she had previously said. The second time around I still had no idea what she was saying but I was able to convince them with my nods and approval that I was in fact listening. Soon, she moved on to the flowers that would be in the reception hall after the church ceremony. The white roses were beautiful beyond a doubt but those nor any other flowers were able to pull my focus from being stuck in that elevator with Jake.

My heart screamed at me to run after him but in the end I let the man who found us in the elevator escort me back to my room. I refused his offer at first but once he noticed how shaken up I was he instead he take me back to my room or he'd call security to alert them that something happened. He wasn't too sure that I was telling the truth and that Jake hadn't assaulted me and I didn't have the strength emotionally to convince him otherwise.

"Okay, great. I'm sure the both of you will be in awe with the final flower arrangements. You both look like a very cute couple and I hope these flowers can make your happy and special day that much better." I smiled at the lady and William thanked her.

As soon as we were out of the shop I took a deep relaxing breath. My mind was clouded with Jake and I had to find a way to get him out of my system. "Are you okay?" William asked me as we got into the car. "Yeah, why?" I asked, nonchalantly. "You seem off. Did you not like the flowers?"

"Will, everything was great. I don't know what you're talking about..." He took my hand in his and held it firmly in his as he drove. "Where are we going?" I asked after a while of silence.

"I'm dropping you off at the hotel. I need to go get some things done but I'm going to go pick you up around 8 so we can have dinner with Joe and his wife."

At the hotel I met up with Cindy and Jenna in their room. Jenna left soon after Will dropped me off and I was thankful it was just us two. "We need to talk." I pointed my finger at her.

Cindy looked at me guiltily. She knew what I was upset about. I didn't even have to tell her why. "I had to Ana!" She argued. "Don't you see how miserable you've been the past few days? Weeks...It's actually been longer than that. Since you left him you been so sad. I can't bare it. So when I had a chance I went to him and I told him he had to stop this. Stop this lie.

"You went to him?" I ran my hands through my hair. She had went to beg him to take me back. The thought only angered me even more. "What did he say?"

"He said he was always planning on coming to break up this façade. That he just wanted to see how far it would get before he had to make an appearance." I wanted to strangle her! Or kick her down the stairs but I loved her way to much to hurt her. "Do you understand what could have happened if Will found out?"

"I can give two shits what he would do if he found out. I don't like him and I'm damn well sure he doesn't like me."

"I need you on my side, Cindy. I can't be in the middle of a war because you think you know what's best for me."

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