IV. The Wrath of Loki

Start from the beginning

“Alright Kastor, you stay safe now, you hear.”

“I will Brokk, you as well.”

Kastor boarded the Atlantean flagship and set out with the rest of his people to the new Atlantean hideout. Odin watched from his tent and told a black bird on his arm to send a message to his allies saying that the Atlanteans had just left for their hideout.

“Lord Phobos, the Fenris Wolf is gone, but we have a set of tracks to follow.”

“Which way do they go?”

“The tracks go east sir.”

“We go west; Loki is trying to trick us.”

"Yes sir." Phobos and his men returned to the coast and set sail towards the Norse hideout.

Loki and his men sailed for three months and finally arrived at  the land where Odin was hiding; Odin and his followers were ready for a fight.

“Oh, Lord Odin, come out and play with your best friend; he misses you.”

The Fenris Wolf snarled and howled, and his lesser children came to his aid.

“Loki, how dare you free the Fenris Wolf! You will pay for your treachery.”

“I betrayed the Norse! No, you betrayed them, Lord Odin," Loki screeched sarcastically," tell the others of how you allowed the Atlanteans to destroy your tower. Tell them why you oppressed the rest of the Norse people when you threw me into Tartarus as your scapegoat. Tell your son who really smashed his hammer!”

“Father, what is that trickster Loki talking about?”

“Nothing Thor, he talks lies.”

“Oh, Lord Thor, long time no see. Have you asked BroKk and Eitri how they and the other dwarves were treated by Reginlief?”

“Brokk, Eitri, does Loki speak the truth? Did Reginlief oppress you and the other dwarves?”

“Yes, my lord, she did. We did not tell you because we thought she was acting on her own behalf, not on Lord Odin’s.”

Thor turned on his father and with one swing of his hammer, he sent him through the air and landing right in front of the Fenris Wolf.

Odin’s followers rushed to the god, but they did not help him. They blocked his escape. The Fenris Wolf charged. Odin was no more. His ravens, Hugin (thought) and Munin (memory) split: one landed on the shoulder of Thor, and the other on the shoulder of Loki.


"What is Phobos doing here?”

"He must have followed me," Loki said, raising his sword, "for the Athena Alliance!

The Norse troops took up their axes, shields and swords and charged Phobos’s men. Though Phobos and his soldiers had the element of surprise, they were vastly outnumbered.

“Loki, you traitor; I will kill you and hang your head from my mast as I sail back to Lord Kronos.”

“Well, Phobos, I see you did not fall for my tricks to get you off course. If you want to kill me, come and try, but I warn you; I am not alone.”

Phobos and his men charged the Norse soldiers but they were met with a huge force of Norse warriors. Fighting his way to Loki, Phobos brought down many a warrior. Upon reaching the god of trickery, Phobos’s shield was hit by the Hammer of Thor. Dueling them both, Phobos was near death.

“Phobos, you alone cannot defeat us.”

“I am not alone, either.”

Out of the nearby river came Neptune and his water warriors. Thor intercepted Neptune’s trident and entered into a battle with him. Loki alone was left to duel Phobos.

“You and Thor stand alone.”

Up on the hill came a shout from a female warrior on a beautiful white horse.

“They are not alone.”

Freyja and the other Norse gods and their followers came charging in turning the numbers back into favor of the Norse. As Thor, Loki, and Phobos stood motionless, Neptune made a hasty retreat to the water. Phobos turned to Loki. He began to raise his spear but he was hit in the head by a hammer.

“Nice shot Eitri, you have good aim.”

“Thank you father Thor, and the dwarves apologize for fighting against you Loki.”

“All is forgiven. Odin had you all tricked. I have to admit it was better than anything I’ve done in a long, long time. Why, don't you remember the last thing I tricked into doing, when we went to get your hammer from Thrym?”

"Don't talk about it unless you want end like Phobos."

The other gods snickered while Brokk had more to say.

“Even though Odin is gone, he might have gotten a message through to Kronos on all of our locations.”

“Yes, you’re right Brokk. We must warn the others. Thor, go warn Egypt; Baldr, you warn the Atlanteans; Tyr, you warn the Greeks; I shall warn the Oceanese.”

They split their forces in four. Each one traveled to the different civilizations and delivered the warning. Traveling with Loki was the Fenris Wolf, Loki’s daughter Hela, and Freyja. Lashed to the bow of their ship was the head of Phobos. However, one thing was still uncertain: who was Kronos's next target...

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