I walked ahead of the two and as i was about to leave the ship a zombie popped up in my face. I screamed and ran to the other side of the ship. I didn't have a weapon with me so i looked around for something I could use as a weapon. I noticed the only thing the ship was carrying was barrels with a yellow hazard sign on them. "Crap!" i yelled as the two boys arrived at the bottom floor of the ship. More and more zombies filled the room. Akiyo and Jereth brought out their guns and began to shoot at them. A fire soon broke out throughout the ship "Stop!' i yelled in fear that the ship would blow up. Toxic waste spilled out of gun holes in the barrels."Shit!" Akiyo yelled "Get out of the ship!" I attempted to run sccos the board but I lost my balance. I reached for Akiyos hand but our fingers barely touched before I fell down the side of the ship. Akiyo jumped off the ship after me. I saw jereth above me crossing the board. 'No' thought then my back hit the cold water. I closed my eyes but i heard Akiyo fall in after me then a loud bang.

I gasped as i arrived at the beach then helped Akiyo stand. I instantly began to run back to the dock. "Sora.." Akiyo whispered. I paused. "What? Are you hurt?" " No... Its just that i don't think Jereth survived." i didn't answer i just started running again. I arrived at the dock but it didnt even look the same anymore I easily saw jareth's body, it looked bad, really bad. He was breathing of course but he had a large wound in his stomach and he was obviously exposed to radiation. He woke up and started to scream. I tried to calm him but he was in pain. I ripped his jacket and wrapped his wound the best i could. Akiyo walked up behind me and helped me pick him up and we started walking back to the house. Once we got to the house we laid him on a bed."we need to find something to help the radiation, there could be something at the military base."

"Akiyo, that's so far" "I know but it's his only chance, you watch him and I'll take the car and some supplies, I'll be back soon." Akiyo left the room and started filling his backpack. I looked at Jereth, he was asleep on the bed. His face was scratched and he looked ill. Akiyo abruptly entered the room."I'll see you soon" I looked back up at him "Be careful..." I stood up to see Akiyo leave in our only car and drive away.The last bit of light that could be seen disappeared behind the horizon and I sat on my knees, alone but with Jereth watching him slowly breath. I turned on my flash light.

His breathing became worse and I knew Akiyo wasn't gonna be back in time. He became conscious and I held his hand to comfort him. "Akiyo will be back, he'll save you" Jereth just looked at me, to tired to speak.

Hours later he started shaking and his breathing became deeper. I sat in the corner with my flashlight shining on him, prepared to kill him if he turned.

More and more time past, it had to be around 3am. I was tired but there was no way I could fall asleep next to him. "Sora... " Jereth managed to quietly say. "I'm here, It's ok Jereth" I didn't believe a word that came out of my mouth but I needed him to have hope . "I'm not gonna make it." His voice was weak "No! Don't say that, you're gonna be ok!" Tears started to run down my cheeks. "You're right, I am gonna be ok, when I die that's when I'll be ok" My tears began to blur my sight. He drew his last breath."Now I'll be with Asher" I began to scream and cry. I held his hand tightly but his corpse started to move again. he was turning into a zombie. I grabbed my knife with both hands and held it over his head "Goodbye" I said as he started to growl but before he could move I stabbed my knife through his skull and into his brain. His body was once again still.

I sat in the corner with my light shining on Jereth and cried myself to sleep, but it's not the first time I had done that.

I woke up to Akiyo opening the door. I glanced at Jareth's dead body and tears were quickly brought to my eyes. Akiyo walking in the room "I was too late...""Yeah, we wouldn't have made it anyway"

A couple days later we packed our car and decided to move, we didn't want anything to do with that town, after more driving towards the farms again we found out that there would be an airdrop of supplies on a small island. We needed more guns and ammo badly. Also after being so close to Jareth's radiating body for so long i had been feeling sick, but I would never tell Akiyo, he had enough to worry about.We sped through highways and towns to get close to the airdrop, we knew that if we weren't the first ones there that we'd be screwed. We stopped at a town to fill up the car with gas but I realized that our map was ripped and most of the writing wasn't legible anymore. "Fuuuccckkk" i moaned as I accepted the fact that we were lost and had no idea where we were. I got out of the car and told Akiyo the bad news. After we talked for a short time we decided to set up camp for the night. I went to search for firewood but i became distracted by a glowing light in the distance "Maybe that's the airdrop!" "not likely" Akiyo kept looking while i told him I'd check it out.

I crossed a bridge on the island, it looked bare except for a small building in the middle. I quietly walked towards it while trying to listen for signs of other people. Everything was quiet but it was becoming dark and I was struggling to see every detail. I started to crawl into entrance but before I could even make it inside I froze as i realized a man was laying on the ground with a gun pointed directly at me. He scared me so bad that i practically broke my eardrum while screaming at the top of my lungs. I reached for my gun but it wasn't there "dammit" I cursed as i attempted to run but before i could take two steps the man stood up and started barking orders at me. "Akiyo!Akiyo!" I screamed as the man slowly pushed me into the building while continuing to yell at me. I could hear Akiyo yelling my name in the distance, it took every ounce of resistance not to yell his name because i knew i'd be leading him right into the same trap that i fell for. I was now in the building and the loud man ordered me to climb down to a basement-like hole that the military must have used to hide in. If they weren't going to kill me then i didn't want to live the remainder of my life as a slave to them. "No!No!No!" I ran full charge in the other direction but the man caught up to me and forcefully pushed my into the hole. I fell many feet into a pool of dead bodies and loot. "Shit!" I grabbed my leg in pain, I tried to ignore it. My eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room. A man was standing directly across me holding a gun near my head. Guessing by the bodies around me I knew he was about to kill me. I closed my eyes and accepted my fate. But suddenly a walkie talkie on the man's belt went off and told him something. He lowered his gun then grabbed my arm and started to tie my hands but i kicked him and struggled. He hit my head with the back of his gun and everything faded to black

. I woke up tied to a bunk bed in another room. My head hurt like hell but i had to dismiss it and try to find a way out. I struggled to get a small knife out of my back pocket then began to saw my way through the rope. Another man walked into the room and gave me a disgusting smile. I kept sawing as we walked to the table beside me in the room, he moved some things then turned to me. He got on his knees, he was so close i could smell his ungodly breath. He laughed then brought his hand close to mine. I dropped my knife then broke the thin rope that was left. I jumped on the man. Then, as i saw i had no other way to defend myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2015 ⏰

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