Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

"We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm, and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open." -Jawaharlal Nehru


     I drive along the interstate, following the cars with my eyes as I weave my way through traffic. The radio is playing at a medium volume as we travel. The current song is Radioactive by Imagine Dragons themselves.

     "I like your singing." Everett tells me from the passenger side. I quickly realize that I had been singing along to the radio absentmindedly. Immediately shutting my mouth, I focus back on the road and turn the radio off.

     "What's wrong?" His eyebrows come together in confusion. "Did I say something wrong?"

     Despite all of his questions, I stay silent. Eventually he falls silent, leaning his head against the window.

     "Please join me in welcoming our last performer of the night, Farrah James, along with Darren Wallace on the guitar."

     Claps erupted all around me, including my own, as Farrah made her way onto the stage. She grinned at the crowd and settles onto a stool behind a microphone stand. "How's everybody tonight?"

     The crowd cheered and her smile widened. "My name is Farrah, and this is my amazing boyfriend, Darren," She blushes when he leaned down to kiss her cheek "Tonight, we're going to start you off with The Scientist by Coldplay, the best band in the world, by the way."

     Darren strummed his guitar a few times before starting the beginning of the song. Farrah nodded a few times before she started to sing.

    "Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry. You don't know how lovely you are. I had to find you, tell you I need you, tell you I set you apart. Tell me your secrets, and ask me your questions, oh, let's go back to the start. Running in circles, coming up tails, heads on a science apart. Nobody said it was easy. It's such a shame for us to part. Nobody said it was easy. No one ever said it would be this hard. Oh, take me back to the start."

     Farrah continued to sing until she finished the whole song. Everyone started clapping and yelling as she ended."Thank you, guys, so much. It means a lot."


     As the sun starts to set, I yawn and cover my mouth with my hand. Everett glances over at me for a second before yawning himself.

     "We're both pretty worn out, huh?" I chuckle sleepily, rubbing my eyes.

     He nods slowly, running his hands over his face."Absolutely. I'm exhausted."

     I think for a moment before saying, "How about we get a hotel room? We can shower and catch up on our sleep, then grab breakfast before getting back on the road."

     "Sounds great," He yawns again and leans his head on the window, closing his eyes.

     I pull off on the next exit and drive to the nearest hotel. Cutting the engine, I grab my bag from the bed of the truck,and Everett does the same. Together, we silently enter the building and approach the desk, where a short man is standing. "Hi, can I help you?" He seems all too happy, considering how early it is.

     "Yeah, I need a room with two beds, the cheapest you have available." I say quietly, resting my arms on the edge of the counter.

     "The cheapest right at the moment is one hundred thirty-nine. Is that okay?" He eyes me over his computer.

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