Chapter Six

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Chapter Six 

"Not all those who wander are lost." -J.R.R. Tolken


     "Leo, do you even have any food?"

     I laugh. "As if. But I have a little bit of money, so we can stop by the next grocery store, okay? But I don't want to get too far off schedule, so make a plan. What all do we need?"

     I turn off the next exit and pull into the parking lot of the store. Cutting the engine, I turn to Everett with a notebook and a pen. We start creating a grocery list and decide who will grab each item. As soon as we're done, I rest my hand on the door handle. "Ready?" Everett nods. "One."



     We fling the car doors open and slam them shut, sprinting towards the automatic doors. People cast us weird glances as we run inside.

     I immediately head for the bread aisle. Grabbing two loaves and shoving them into my basket, I continue to dash around the store. I pick up anything that's on my list and things that I thought we needed but forgot about.

     Racing up and down the aisles, I snatch multiple items and throw them into my basket. When I meet Everett at the checkout, I have bread, energy drinks, chocolate, apples, peanut butter, jelly, and two bags of chips.

     I look into his basket and see bananas, oranges, water bottles, cookies, Ritz crackers, Goldfish, an insulated lunch box, and a can of spray cheese.

     I raise an eyebrow at him as we load the conveyor belt. "Spray cheese? Why do we need that? It wasn't on the list, you know."

     "Oh, whatever," He rolls his eyes, pulling his wallet from his jeans pocket. "Spray cheese is from the heavens."

     I sigh as he swipes his credit card and grabs the bags of food. We scramble back to the truck, throwing the groceries in the backseat and starting the engine. No one talks until we are back on the interstate. We are both breathing heavily.

     I glance over at Everett, and he looks at me. Within a time period of two and a half seconds, we both burst into laughter.

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