Chapter 42

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The next morning I decided to get back to work and finish the song I've been working on for a while... But not the song for the band...

This is a song I've started to write by myself... To uh... Well... About my feelings... But I never meant to show it to anyone really so this is why I've been working on it when most of the people are out of the house.

But today I've completely forgotten that Aymen's here and since he isn't working he's always somewhere around.

- What are you writing? - he asked once after he scared the hell out of me, appearing out of nowhere.

- Eh... Just a song I've been struggling to finish in the past few days - I replied awkwardly - But now seems like it's finally finished.

- And can I hear it?

- Well... Sure, but I'm not an amazing singer so excuse me if I sound awful - I laughed.

- Let me decide that - he smiled.

I took a deep breath then I simply started playing and soon singing as well:

Si te sientes perdido en ningún lado
Viajando tu mundo del pasado
Si dices mi nombre yo te iré a buscar

Si crees que todo está olvidado
Que tu cielo azul está nublado
Si dices mi te iré a encontrar

While I was singing he decided to sit beside me and surprisingly enough he joined in:

Es tan fuerte lo que creo y siento
Que ya nada detendrá este momento
El pasado es un recuerdo
Y los sueños crecen siempre crecerán

Ya verás que algo se enciende de nuevo
Tiene sentido intentar cuando estamos juntos
Algo se enciende de nuevo
Tiene sentido intentar cuando estamos juntos
Cuando estamos juntos
Podemos soñar

----- MEANWHILE -----

Diego's POV:

Me and Marco were heading home together from a shoot when arriving to the entrance we heard singing from the inside.

- Is this Clari? - asked Marco as he tried to recognize the voice.

- It is - I replied - But who's singing with her if nobody's at home?

- Maybe it's her friend! You know... The guy that came yesterday!

- Maybe... - I mumbled as I headed inside to check what's going on.

Unfortunately Marco was right and it was indeed the two of them and honestly it's kinda annoys me that they're so close to each other, even though they've only met once before... Or atleast this is what they say.

More unfortunately enough as I wanted to kinda spy on them Marco immediately interrupted them when they finished singing.

- This was amazing! - he said - Who wrote these words?!

- It was me - Clari replied.

- Wow! Amazing! I didn't know you're so good at this!

Marco is so naive.

He thinks Clari's interested in him talking about everything that comes to his mind.

While him was talking to Clari I didn't make eye contact with her, but Aymen, who has been looking at me suspiciously for a while now.

- Okay, I'll leave you two be now - I interrupted after a while - I still need to take care of something - I said as I walked away, but as soon as I was fat enough...

- Wait, Diego!

Just as I thought he followed me.

- What do you want, Aymen? - I asked - As I said I have some things to do now.

Which wasn't a lie.

- Just a few minutes of your time.... To talk about Clari...

The Power of MusicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora