Chapter 19

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- You're through the audition! But this isn't ends there! - the principal continued - This should be shown to everyone with a dance choreography!

- That's going to be fine - said Ren.

- Yes! We'll work together and we'll be done with it in time! - Marco continued.

- Good, very good - said the principal - Then goood luck! - he said and with that he quickly left.

As soon as he wasn't near the all of us sighed deeply and painfully and later on we went outside...

----- TIME SKIP -----

- It was amazing, guys!! - I said excitedly.

- We know - Ren replied immediately - Since you wrote the song, Little Lamb.

- Nah! It was nothing - I said, blushing slightly.

- Yes, you did - he smirked - And if you give me a kiss... I might do my very best to make the choreography - he said as he winked at me.

- You... - Rodri groaned.

- Whaat now? I didn't say she should! - he laughed - I just told her that she can do it. That's all.

The little argument that started between the boys was really funny to watch, but then after a while I decided to end it and do what Ren told me to do.

Not because I wanted him to do his best, but because I wanted to.

As soon as I kissed him on the cheek everyone around is gasped and so did he.

- Well... I wasn't expecting you to actually do it - said Ren after a while of thinking what is he supposed go say.

- Well... Then be happy now because this won't happen that often - I replied to him.

- Too bad - he sighed as he pulled me to sit beside him, wrapping his arm around my waist, making sure that I'm not going anywhere.

- My god! - I gasped, trying not to blush like crazy, but even now... Even now I've been looking at Diego's reaction the most.

He seemed slightly frustrated by the scene we just had which surprisingly made me happy.

- You just kissed me and you thought you can escape? - said Ren meanwhile on a cheeky tone.

- Just take it easy! - I laughed - You still have a lot to do before the final performance... Which can be the only key for you to debut!

- I'll be fine if you give me another kiss - he winked again at me.

- Maybe another time - I replied.

- Hmm... Playing on my way, huh? - he laughed.

- Well... You aren't the only one learning from me and the others - I winked back which left him surprised at first, but then we all laughed this time.

Diego's POV:

Everyone is having fun and I feel really happy... But not so good.

My view starts to get blurry too...

- Ah... God... - I mumbled while I rubbed my eyes and when my view become clear again everyone was looking at me.

- Are you okay? - asked Clari worriedly.

- Feelin' okay, Ramosito? - questioned Ren too.

- Eh... Yes, yes... I'm just tired, that's all - I replied, smiling a bit ad I tried to convince them that I'm okay.

But for real I wasn't at all...

I felt so exhaused and my whole body hurts too...

But I might just gonna rest and everything will just fine...

The Power of MusicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora