Chapter 41

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After the weird conversation I took Aymen to his room and luckily no one really followed us so we could talk.

- God, finally alone... - I sighed.

- Not enough time to talk alone, huh? - Aymen laughed.

- You're such a weirdo, you know? - I smiled as he said that.

- But you love me for it - he winked.

- I do, I do.

Arriving to the empty room we both collapsed.

- You still need to meet the others later on.

- That's okay - he smiled as he took my hand and kissed it - I'm glad we're here and together.

- W-What are you saying?! - I stuttered as I began to blush madly.

I really wasn't expecting him to say that.

- I'm glad to be here... With you - he said and kissed my hands again - I'm glad I chose to come here...

I couldn't even speak, I was just looking at him...

- You know how much I love you...

- Hey, hey! Stop there for a second! - I gasped - H-How about your...

- My wife?

- Y-Yes...

- I'm not married anymore - he said and this was another thing that shocked me.

He has been married for 6 years... Well... Shortly after we got to know each other he had to get married and that was around 6-7 years ago. Since then I didn't ask him about it that much...

- I uh... I'm sorry to...

- Don't... I'm glad it actually ended.

- But why?

- This just wasn't right, you know... We have never been in love and she also agreed to divorce so everything's fine.

- Uh...

- And now... Being around for you real again... Makes me remember all the old feelings I had for you...

- W-What?!

- You heard me - he smiled as he now placed his hand on my cheek.

- I uh... I really don't know what to say... - I muttered.

- I've told you once before, but I'll tell you again... I love you, doesn't matter where we are, or what are we doing... I'll always be there for you and support you...

I had to take a deep breath while he said that because I felt like I'm about to cry.

- I love you too... And thank you... - I smiled as I hugged him again.

I don't know if I was just imagining thing, or not... But it felt like he wanted to say, or do something else as well, but instead he just hugged me back.

Maybe it was better for me to go for a hug before something else happens that could cause more problems.

By the way... Later on we met up with the others and they seemed pretty accepting, but yet not really.

I mean they tried and I could really see that they tried... But I saw how they didn't want to accept... But they'll get used to him being here anyway.

They have no choice.

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