Truth Or Dare

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From @MacaronGamer


Play Truth or Dare please?

Honey: I love this game!

GoGo: I don't!

Wasabi: Okay who's first?

GoGo: ( Raises Hand ) Me!

Wasabi: GoGo!

GoGo: Um...( Thinking ) Hiro!

Hiro: Argh! WHAT?!

GoGo: ( Mischievous Smile ) Truth Or Dare?

Hiro: Ha! DARE!

GoGo: ( Thinks ) I dare you to-Wear your underpants over your pair of trousers and run around the house yelling "I'm the Super Man!" 

Hiro: No way!

GoGo: ( Brings out camera ) Way!

Hiro: I'm not going to do that!

GoGo: Fine then I'll just need to make it more harder then ( Smirk )

Hiro: Okay fine ( Walks towards the bathroom ) ( Comes out after ten minutes ) I'm back ( Blush )

GoGo: ( Awkward Silence )

Honey: ( Holds laugh )

Fred: ( Burst out laughing )

Wasabi: ( Brings out camera )

Baymax: ( Silence )

Hiro: Now what? ( Cross arms )

GoGo: Y-you have to y-yell " I'm the Super Man! "

Hiro: ( Puts hands on hips ) I'm the Super Man! ( Blush )

Everyone except Hiro: ( Laughing so hard )

Hiro: Enough! IT'S MY TURN! ( Thinks ) Fred!

Fred: Why me?

Hiro: ( Ignores ) Truth or Dare?

Fred: TRUTH! You might dared me something crazy so--yeah

Hiro: ( Thinks ) If you could kiss anyone in this room who would it be? 

Fred: ( Squint to Honey ) Um... ( Looks away ) 

Wasabi: ( Irritating grin ) I know who? ( Evil laugh ) 

Fred: ( Blush ) I hope she wouldn't be mad ( Scratches back of the neck ) 

GoGo: Just say it! 

Fred: Ho--Honey Lemon ( Runs away blushing ) SORRY! 

Honey: Well that was awkward ( Nervous smile ) ( Coughs ) MY TURN! 

Everyone except Honey: ( Annoyed sigh ) 

Honey: ( Picking someone in the gang ) AHA! ( Pointed GoGo ) 

GoGo: You gotta be kidding me? 

Honey: Truth Or Dare? 


Honey: ( Thinks ) If you and someone else were the only people alive on earth, who would you pick in this room only?

GoGo: Probably--

Hiro: ( Confident ) 

GoGo: ( Considered ) Honey Lemon! 

Hiro: ( Reacts ) WHAT?!

Everyone: ( Awkward Silence ) Um?

Hiro: ( Pretends nothing happened ) I mean-- ( Coughs ) That'll be cool ( Mumbles ) Not really

Wasabi: O-kay? ( Coughs ) My turn now! ( Picking someone in the gang ) Baymax! 

Baymax: ( Pointed self ) Me? ( Waddles towards Fred ) Yes Wasabi?

Wasabi: Truth or Dare? 

Baymax: Am I included in this game? Okay I will pick the dare

Wasabi: ( Evil laugh ) I dare you to show us the most embarrassing picture of Hiro ever! 

Hiro: Don't! ( Stops Baymax ) 

Baymax: I am sorry Hiro ( Opens belly screen ) ( Shows picture of Hiro singing ' Chandelier ) This is a video clip of Hiro singing a song 

Wasabi: PLAY IT!

Baymax: ( Plays the video ) 

I'm gonna swing from the chandelier - Hiro w/ puberty voice 

Everyone except Hiro: ( Burst out laughing ) 

I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist ,Like it doesn't exist- Hiro w/ pubery voice 

( Minutes Later ) 

Hiro: ( Walks out ) 

GoGo: Share me some of those videos Baymax! ( Laughs )

Honey: We should make a remix of it! 

GoGo: YEAH! 

Wasabi: Baymax  your turn! 

Baymax: Sure thing, I pick Honey Lemon

Honey: Yes? 

Fred: ( Walks inside holding a chicken wing ) Why is Hiro outside? 

Wasabi: Long story ( Giggled ) 

Baymax: Truth or Dare choose one

Honey: DARE! 

Baymax: I--

GoGo: Wait! ( Whispers something to Baymax ) 

Baymax: Oh, I dare you to Go outside and run around, while screaming "I have lost my voice, please help me find it "

Honey: ( Covers mouth ) WHAT?! 

GoGo: Just do it! 

Honey: ( Walks outside ) ( Scream like a lunatic ) I HAVE LOST MY VOICE, PLEASE HELP ME FIND IT! 

Crowds: ( Awkward glare ) 

Honey: ( Laughs nervously ) Um-- ( Walks inside ) FINISH! 

Baymax: Great! 

Fred: MY TURN! Wasabi Truth Or Dare? 

Wasabi: DARE! 

Fred: Pound your chest and do your best Tarzan yell.

Wasabi: That's it? ( Stood up ) ( Pounds chest ) OHHHHHHHHHH--WOAH-WOAH-OHHHHH! ( Awkward Face ) 

GoGo: .......

Wasabi: I'll get out ( Walks away )

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