Dipper and Mabel Pines

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**random question asked by Wasabi**

(Wasabi: Why did Fred picked me as Sadness?

Do you know Dipper and Mabel Pines? 

Honey: Of course we know them! 

GoGo: The way Mabel always wear  sweaters 

Honey: I want to buy one of her sweaters

Wasabi: Mabel kinda act like a child ( Mumbles ) Kinda act like Honey...

Fred: Am I the only who think that Dipper is like Hiro?

GoGo: Yeah you're the only one who thinks that 

Fred: It's just look at them. Dipper is wearing a hooded vest then Hiro is wearing a Jacket but it both have the same color, And then Dipper's hooded vest got a red T-Shirt underneath as Hiro's got a red T-Shirt either except there's a robot draw to it. And they both have messy hairs.

Honey: Correction. It's not a red T-Shirt underneath Dipper's hooded vest. It's reddish-orange

Fred: Whatever it's still had a red on it! And I didn't ask for your opinion Aiko! 

Hiro: And what makes us similar?

Wasabi: Well...you're both smart for a kid and you're both in love to a girl which is older than you

Fred: Great point...Wasabi ( High Five ) 

Hiro: But I'm 14. Dipper is 12 and I don't have any twin

GoGo: What if...You have a missing twin? 

Hiro: That's impossible, Tadashi and I are the only children and no one else

Wasabi: What If your twin is been taken and neither your parents didn't knew it? 

Hiro: Can you not! 

GoGo: I wonder what's your Twin brother or sister name is..If any?

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