Message For Haters

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** random question asked by Baymax **
( Baymax: Are you satisfied with your care? )

If by any chances that a Hater is reading this right now. Can you please tell or message them something.

GoGo: I don't really care whether you like me or not but if you mess with me ( Smirk ) You don't know what will happened.

Honey: Haters can be the only reason that you're famous but yeah I don't care either what you think of me.

Hiro: Seriously. You guys still mind this ( shakes head ) you guys should leave them or ignore them if they think something bad to you it wouldn't kill you to loose a fan right?

Wasabi: Yeah good luck with that!

Fred: I'm with Hiro! while Honey Lemon's answer sucks ( Thumbs down ) That doesn't mean you have haters you're already famous that's like the lamest thing I ever heard nice try Honey Lemon.

Honey: Uh thanks?

Baymax: Now Fred is feeling guilty is it because you spoke something you regret to the one you love seconds ago?

Honey: No it's okay Baymax, Haters gonna Hate

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