We're star-crossed haters, Sunglass Dude and I.

Start from the beginning

"Did you save his life?" I retorted. I got on my tip-toes, trying to shorten the height distance between my father and me. Gosh darn it, everyone just keeps getting taller and taller. I was a solid 5''8' but I guess that wasn't good enough in this family anymore.

"Did you father the girl that saved his life? I think not!"

My father crosssed his arms against his red t-shirt, his gray and black scarf scrunching up under his arms. "I said no."

"Father, you can't keep me cooped up in this hole forever," I groaned. "If that's the case, we should just go back to Cimeria."

"Your Majesty, if I may interrupt," Alec said, coming up to the table. My side, if I may so gloatingly add. "I think it's in our best interest to let the princess out of the safety of the house. First and foremost, because she''ll shut up if we do. Second, we may be able to draw out the stalker."

This caught my father off guard, for surprise flickered across his face. "Really?'

"If whoever is after her life is actually watching her, and they see her out and about, they'll come after her. They won't shoot her. They'll try and get her as hostage. So she won't be under any immediate harm as long as she knows how to run."

"Knows how to run," I scoffed. "How about I ask you if you know how to run? What kind of question is that?"

"So," Alec said, raising his voice to override us, "you should just let her out. Logan and I, even Elijah. Hell, Zen and Minnie will probably come along. We'll follow her, keep hidden. If they make a move, then we'll retaliate."

"No," Logan hissed angrily. "That's putting her in too much danger already. She's already being watched, now you want to have her chased? Have you lost your mind? I thought you wanted to protect her!"

"No," Alec said. "That's your job. And if I were you, I'd start doing a better job."

Logan paled greatly. His skin was so white that it made his eyes pop like white against black. Gold was laced with fury as he glared at Alec. And, like water dripping down a table, a pale scarlet began to shade his face as anger began to fully take over. He stood up straight and his knuckles were clenched in chalky white hatred.

Oh, shit.

My father and I made a grab for the two. I pushed Alec behind me while my father grasped Logan's shoulders firmly, hoping to calm him down. "Alright, boys. My kitchen is a place of happiness and sunshine. Rainbows and unicorns. Daffodils and ponies. No punches, no insults, and certainly no hatred. Except for my daughter, but no one can cure her of her dreadful personality."

Excuse me? I'm right here!

Logan threw another dagger-worthy stare at Alec before marching out of the house, his foosteps angrily slamming on the wood of our porch before I could hear nothing else.

"Good job," I said to Alec. "You've gone and upset my bodyguard."

"He'll come around," shrugged Alec, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "It's not my fault your boyfriend's a sassy little knight who can't stand the truth."

"He's not my boyfriend," I groaned. "Now, can we focus on the true matter at hand? Father, can I go?"

The future king of Cimeria stood there, pondering silently over whether he sided with Alec or Logan. It was one of those few moments where my father wasn't being childish and immature. In that moment, I saw my brother in him, and the king that was born to rule. I understood why my father was so hesitant about letting me out of his sight. But he's taken risks to his life before. Why can't I?

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