Chapter 9

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*****Addie's POV*****

The door of the hospital wing bursts open and my eyes shoot open again. I groan. It's like the seventh time just this morning. How is anyone supposed to get any sleep in this room if the huge oak doors keep opening?? I quickly shut my eyes again so nobody will know I'm awake like I've been doing. The only people I want to see are Fred and George so I can kill them for making me stay in this blasted place and Harry, cause I might have a tiny crush on him.

I hear Madam Pomfrey arguing with the person.

"But I ned to see Addie," Harry says. Wait ... Harry. I listen carefully now. "I'm so worried about her. She didn't show up at the common room like she said that she would after she pranked the Slytherins. SHe said she would come back to the common room and say goodnight. I ned to make sure that she's okay. Please just let me see her."

"She's asleep!"

"Then at least let me see her, please."

"No. She needs her rest."

"Please. Please. I just want to see her face before I leave, please," he beggs. Oh geez. I didn't know that he cared that much about me.

"Fine. You have five minutes."

Harry rushes to the chair by my bed and grabs my hand. He starts rubbing small circles on the back of my hand. "You have no idea how worried I was. You didn't show up after you pranked the Slytherins and Fred and George did and they said that you were in the hospital wing and everyone was so worried. Even Percy and he doesn't seem like he would care to much. We all wanted to go out and see you, but it was after hours. We stayed up all night in the common room waiting for you. We thought that if Madam Pomfrey let you out you would come to the Gryffindor dormitories, not the Slyhterin ones.

"There were five people just sitting in the common room waiting for you. Fred and George went to bed and they wouldn't tell us why you were in here. We thought that somebody found you and beat you up or something. We didn't know. Rora was almost certain that you were fine. She thought that you threw up from too much green or something like she said that she would."

How did Rora know? Did Fred tell her? Maybe.

"I'll see you at breakfast and then classes." Then he kissed my forehead. My heart fluttered and I opened my eyes slowly, like I just woke up. I hope he falls for it.

"you're awake. Now ... are you going to tell me what really happened?"

I shake my head. "Not now ... maybe later ... promise."

"Fine, but I'm holding you to that promise."

I roll my eyes, "Fine."

He kisses the top of my head and walks out the doors without another word and the twins burst in.

"It's on!" Fred exclaims.

"And Pevees said he would help, so nobody will suspect that it was us," George added.

"And the teachers? Do they know?" I ask.

"Nope!" They answer at the same time. We all laugh and walk down to the great hall.

We pass Peeves on the way and we smile and wave. "So this is the new prankster here?" Peeves crackles. I nod. "Well, any prankster is my friend. I hope we can prank together!"

"Only if you don't fly through me!" Right when I finished, he flew straight toward me and through my stomach. It felt like I stepped into cold water, even though I wasn't wet.

"Whoops. I made a mistake. Too late. Hehe," he crackles. I roll my eyes and walk to the hall with all of them.

"Well go sit down and a few minutes in you can pour the water, okay?" Fred asks.

Adalyn Black - A Harry Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now