“Athena, if you don’t get the fuck out of this car right now, then I swear to the God that I will get you out of this car by myself,” he shouted, his voice growing deeper and deeper. Man that sounds so sexy.

When I still didn’t say a word, he placed his hands under my knees and one on my back before picking me up like I was the lightest thing in the word. And again those damned tingles appeared all over my body.

“Let me go! Let me go! Help!” I screamed, trying to push him, but of course that was impossible since he seemed to be of a high ranking wolf judging by the amount of power emitting from him while I was just a little stronger than your average human.

“I’m not going to let you go Athena. You’re my mate, and it’s about time you accepted it. Nor my wolf or I will accept our mate behaving like this, especially as you’re going to the Luna of one of the strongest packs in the world. You need to set an example Athena, not act like a child,” he told me firmly, with complete seriousness in his voice.

He was an Alpha. He was an Alpha. Crap- he was an Alpha.

Alphas were nothing but cruel people who didn’t care about their packs. They did as they wished and always exploited their power, knowing that the pack members would do anything to show their loyalty. They were heartless, menacing and dominating beings who let their power get to their head.

I hadn’t met all the Alphas in the world. I wasn’t claiming to have either. But with my past, and the stories of a few other fellow rogues, I was pretty convinced that I could never be in a pack ever again, let alone the Luna of a pack.

“I don’t want to be in a pack, let alone the Luna of the pack. I don’t want a mate, especially not an Alpha!” I shouted, the anger taking the best of me. Yeah, did I ever mention that I was recommended to go to anger management classes but never actually turned up, in the past?

“Oh, so it’s my position. If it’s me being an Alpha then I’ll happily hand over the pack to my Beta and then-“

This was painful. It was painful to see that he would give over his pack to someone else in a single moment just to be with me, and here I was so bluntly rejecting him. It was hurting me, but it was going to be good for him in the future. He didn’t need someone like me.

“No! You don’t understand! I don’t want a mate. It’s not you, it’s me. I don’t want a mate!”

“Well you have no say in that, baby, because you’re staying with me until the day we die,” he told me in a tone that said there was no more negotiation to be done.

Before I could say anything else, he picked me up again, swinging me over his shoulder before he began walking to his house. I had to admit- his house was pretty fucking awesome. Even though I always loved living in smaller cosy houses, I had to say that his house looked beautiful, and it would bring my previous Alpha’s to shame.

His house was large, painted in a light beige with a huge, perfectly trimmed garden in front of it. The garden itself was beautiful with colourful flowers planted in front of it. It seemed like it would’ve cost millions, and I wouldn’t be surprised considering its size and quality. It was of a modern design even though it was in the middle of a forest.

“This is our house,” he said pointing to the creatively designed house.

Your house,” I said coolly.

He made a grunt-like sound but didn’t say a word.

“Can you please just put me down already? I promise I’ll walk beside you and I won’t run away,” I pleaded, my face to his rather sexy arse.

“I can’t trust you, yet,” he said.

“But I swear, I’ll walk to your house,” I begged, even though the view was great from where I was.


“Fine, can I leave then?” I asked.


“Are you aware that this is kidnapping?”

“It’s not kidnapping if nobody finds out,” I could so see this saying that with the sinister, sexy smirk of his.

Urgh, kill me now.

I tried to push him away but instead, he just pushed me against the wall of his house. With my back to the wall, he looked straight at all into my eyes. Wait, when did we even get to his house?

“Stop disrespecting me!” he growled, “As of right now, you are officially part of the pack and I am your Alpha.

Not backing down like the stupid girl that I was, I straightened my back and looked him in the eyes and said, “I don’t want to be part of your pack.”

“See, that’s where you don’t have a choice,” he said softly, caressing my cheek, even though his eyes were blazing.

With that, he started heading to the door of his house, expecting me to follow suit like a his little servant which I now apparently was.

I turned to glance at the forest, which I could just run into and run away from him.

“Don’t even think about it,” Colton warned. I turned to look at him, taking a few small steps towards him before sprinting to the forest.

I had trained for this every single day since I ran away from them, so I knew that I was quite fast, even though I would be nothing compared to him.

I heard him mutter a string of colourful profanities before taking off after me. No! I wasn’t going to give up so easily, even though the chances of me getting out of his pack lands were practically slim to none.

I ran liked I had never ran before in my entire life, and even considered shifting into my wolf, which I had only done once before. But I didn’t, mainly because I knew that it would easier for my wolf to take over and go back to him.

I got further than I had expected to have gotten, but I wasn’t about to start celebrating any time soon. Colton was taking his time getting to me. Maybe it was the fact that I had both Alpha and Beta blood in me that was helping me or maybe because I had been training, even in the pack, since I could remember. But for once, I was grateful.

I had reached the forest before I felt Colton starting to gain up on me. I could now hear the loud thuds of his footsteps and the his slightly hitched breathing. But I kept running, hoping that I would make enough space between us before shifting. I knew it would be hard trying to empower my wolf who wanted nothing but his wolf, but it wasn’t impossible.

Just before I reached the forest, someone swiftly tackled me onto the floor with a loud thud. Reacting on instinct, I put my hands in front of me to block my face from the crash which my face was surely going to endure.

But seconds before landing, Colton switched our positions so that he landed on the floor on his back. While he landed on his back suffering the full force of our crash, I landed on a rather comfortable position. We were both facing each other, his hands gripping my waist not too tightly, and mine resting on his rock hard chest.

Colton was looking at me with such intensity that it nearly made me shiver with desire. He had a heated look in his eyes and didn’t at all seem bothered by the fall.

“Are you okay?” he asked me worriedly. I simply nodded; not knowing what to say because after all, I had just sprinted away from him like he was the devil himself. “Good, now we’re going to our home, and I swear, another problem from you and I will tie you up.”


* * *

Hope you enjoyed it,

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