The Weak Minded One

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8 hours and 12 minutes from New York City. 8 hours and 39 minutes from my apartment building and 8 hours and 41 minutes from my warm, loving best bed. I can not sleep on planes. There are so many distractions on them. All the people around watching you while you sleep. Creepy. The noise of the engines and whatever else planes run on. The clouds, land and in this case, the Atlantic Ocean under you to watch. My music playlists I can listen to, duh. And especially, a good book to read. I always have a few good books to read. But, all I really seemed to do during the plane ride was think of Loki. I tried so hard to push him from my mind but every time I thought I would forget him at the art gallery, I would start thinking of him on the bridge. I was so relieved that Jane was asleep for the entire trip because all she would have talked about was getting back to New York and seeing him. My chest hurts when I think about them. It all happened so fast and she doesn't even know what he is. Maybe I don't know what he is, but I was hoping he would be my own personal adventure. That I could make assumptions of his past and what has happened to him. But I guess Jane will be the one to find out, before me.
"Wow I can't believe how fast that plane ride was." Jane said to me when we got our suitcases.

"Really? For me it went on for ages." I responded.

"Haha. That's to bad. I had a great time with you in Germany,"she told me.

I smiled at her. "I had fun with you too."

"Well I'll see you at work tomorrow. Back to life," then she turned and walked off to her car.

I did the same. It should have taken me around 20 minutes to get to my apartment but of course there was traffic. I was so glad I had my iPod with me. I plugged it into the radio and the song Cha- Ching (Till We Grow Older) by Imagine Dragons came on. I immediately began singing the lyrics out loud and tapping my thumbs on the steering wheel.
Ok. Maybe 9 hours and 2 minutes to my best friend, but once I reached my room I took in the sight. My made bed, the dirty clothes still in the hamper, my closet door wide open. It smelled like lavender and strawberries, as usual. I missed that smell. It felt so good to have pajamas on and as soon as I was tucked in I fell into a deep sleep.
Click. Click. Clickity click.
I hate computers. I hate this job. I want to go take a walk in the park. To see all the kids and their nanny's at the playground and dogs running around with their owners. All the pairs of couples walking arm-in-arm together, laughing and talking. The smell of the wind as it rustles through the trees, but I was stuck at work today.

"Psst. Hey. Guess what?" Jane whispered to me.

"What?" I whispered back.

"I'm seeing Loki tonight! When he called me he immediately asked me about you," she said.

I whipped my head around to look at her. "What did he say?"

"He just asked how you were doing. Anyway, we're going to a fancy restaurant and maybe Central Park tonight," she told me. I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous of her.

"That sounds like fun," I turned back to my computer and began typing again.
My apartment is so hot. It's not like outside is any better but there is a breeze and I still want to go on a walk in the park. I slipped on jogging shorts, a white t shirt and grey hoodie and I walked out of the door.

There should have been stars out tonight but it's New York so there are never stars out. I hope one day I'll be able to move out to another state where I can see the stars every night. Central Park can be a little creepy at night since there are homeless people sleeping on every bench and drunk people walking around but I was alone. I began walking on an open field of grass. There was a breeze out now.


I turned my whole body around to find Loki and Jane standing behind me.

"What are you doing here?" Jane asked me with an irritable tone.

"I-I couldn't sleep," I explained. "What are you two doing here?"

"We were on our date this evening," Jane said.

I forgot about that. Jane said they were coming here this evening. I'm so stupid. I could have avoided this.

"Are you alright?" Loki asked me grabbing my elbow. "You look ill."

"No, no. I'm fine." I tried to reassure him.

He placed his palm on my forehead. "I'm afraid you may have a fever, darling. Jane, I'm sorry but do you mind if I take Eliza home since she's sick."

Jane shot a glare at me then looked back at Loki with a smile. "I don't mind, sweetie." Then she gave him a peck on the cheek, looked back at me and left.
"Which apartment room is yours?" I heard Loki ask. I fell asleep while he was carrying me on his back. He was warm and smelled like the breeze.

"14 C," I responded sleepily.

"Ehehehe," He chuckled. "Alright. Give me your key." I handed him the key to my apartment and he opened the door. "Your home is very messy," he examined.

"Thanks for pointing that out," I teased. "My rooms over there."

"Alright," he plopped me down on the bed. "I just carried you several blocks and fourteen flights of stairs. You"

"Don't. Say. Anything," I warned him.

"Oh no, I'm not going to," he said with a smirk. "Now lay down and get comfortable, I'm going to get your medicine and a wet rag."

I smiled at him as he left the room. He was being so kind. But then my smile faded when a wave of nausea struck me, and I felt like I was about to pass out.
"Owww," I groaned.

"Ok, I have a thermometer and several different medicines," Loki told me when he walked back in the room. He put the thermometer in my mouth and started open a bottle of medicine.
I took the thermometer out. "Ugh, 102.1," I moaned.

"Is that bad?" Loki asked me while handing me two pills and placing the cool rag on my forehead.

"Yes, that's very bad," I explained "I have a fever. I can't miss work tomorrow!"

"Well, it looks like you're going to. Give me your cell phone," Loki ordered.


He looked at me and smirked then took my phone out of my hand. He dialed a number then put the phone to his ear.
"Hello? Yes, I was calling to inform you that Eliza will not be coming into work tomorrow due to having a high fever...uh huh... uh huh...thank you. Goodbye."

"What did he say?!"

"He apologized that you weren't feeling well," he replied and stared at me with a grin on his face.

"What?" I asked with suspicion.

"Jane is annoying," he said matter-of-factly.

I burst into laughter. "You're so mean!" I said giving him a light punch on his arm. "What happened?"

He rolled his eyes. "She would not shut up about what she looks for in men and clothes and her cat."

I giggled. "Yeah that's really all she has to say."

"You do know why I asked her out in first place, right?"

"Because you found her interesting and wanted to get to know her better," I responded.

"Nope," he said. "It was to get to you."

I stared wide eyed at him. "Why?"

"You weren't going to tell me where you  were from, so I went to the weak minded one and she told me everything I needed to know."

"That's not fair. You can't stop dating her now. She's going to get angry with me." I warned him.

He sighed. "I know, but I doubt she'll be angry for long."

"Maybe," I yawned.

He chuckled. "I'll let you rest." he said while bending down and giving me a kiss on the forehead. Then he left the room and I heard the front door close.

I exhaled slowly, trying to calm my nerves. He tried to get to me through Jane. I grinned to myself, then fell asleep.

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