Chapter 45 - The End ~ Part 3

Start from the beginning

"Do you think Sapphire or Cassandra would want you to fight so hard for them you would risk your life or your families? Get rid of all the hate and rage out of your heart and connect to your wolf, what do you feel." She asked softly

"I need to kill him mom. I'm sorry but I'm not giving up till I see the life leave his eyes at my hands." I said forcefully, silently pleading with her to let me go, through my tear stained eyes.

"I promise you baby, he will die at your hands but right now your weak and an easy target for these soldiers to pick off. If you carry on you will collapse and be of no use to anyone. Do you trust me baby, your mother? The one who gave birth to you, who kissed your boo boo's better, who trained you, cuddled the life out of you, protected you and loves you with every fibre of her being?" She pleaded

"Of.... C-c-course I d-do but I h-have to do this." I begged while hiccuping slightly, with tears still cascading down my muddy tired face.

"Trust me then and concentrate on your wolf, let the negativity drain from your body into the ground and tell me what you feel. I know that no one can keep you from trying to kill Lucien even at the risk of your health but this feeling may just overpower your need for revenge, so for your family do as I ask." She said seriously.

I looked at her long and hard to see if her resolve wavered long enough for me to escape her arms and continue my bloody rampage but it didn't even flicker. I rolled my eyes and sighed deeply and closed my eyes. I reached out for my wolf and focused hard on pushing out all the negative emotions clouding my mind and soul. My rational side eventually came forth and the dissolving negativity left my body in waves. I felt my wolf and without warning a warm love raced around my body until it reached my heart. I felt my body strengthen and the venom began wearing off rapidly. Someone who loved me unconditionally was healing me, someone who was born into my heart. The longer I felt this sudden unexpected burst of heat, the more love I felt like I was being loved by more than one person.

My eyes suddenly burst open in realisation and tears filled my wide eyes. I held my hand to my mouth and a gasp escaped my lips. I looked to my mother who also had tears in her eyes and nodded her head to the question I was asking through my bright blue orbs.

"M-my b-b-babies..... Are alive!!?? I feel them, oh my god I'm a mom!" I screamed in happiness while hugging my mom.

"Yes you are, I can feel my grandchildren too. They are very powerful if they can heal you from Earth. But I can feel their love repair your injuries, your bond is already very strong with them. Now are you going to work as a team so you can be a mother to the no doubt most beautiful babies anyone has ever seen? They will need you now more than ever. Do not let them grow up with no mothers, I did not raise you that way." She said seriously but with so much affection for me.

I knew she was right and I was so happy, though my heart was broken they were slowly attempting to repair it. I connected to my wolf deeper and felt the sex of each of my children. A boy and a girl, perfect! I felt completely elated and overjoyed my babies had survived and I had one of each. The smile on my face was like the cat that got the cream and boy.... What a cream it was. I turned to my mum then turning my face from goofy to pure determination in nano seconds and growled out

"What's the plan!" I asked with ferocity laced in my tone.

"We need you and your brothers to use your elemental powers to push the basilisk army back. The sirens, centaurs, fairies and archers are going through the portal first. We cannot lose anymore soldiers so we are effectively bowing out of this war before we lose any more of our soldiers." She said sadly.

"If we move to earth we lose the freedom to be our true selves. We are going to have to hide who we are to fit in. It's not who we were born to be." I said stunned at what I was hearing.

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