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Authors note: Hi guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been lacking gruesome inspiration. Here's an update I've had in my drafts for a while. Remember to vote and all comments are appreciated! Now enough blabbering. Here's the next chapter. - Audrey

Things have been ghostly lately.

I'm not quite sure what I mean by that honestly, only that things have been slow, and the air feels heavy.

The only sounds I hear are whispers from Jasper every now and then asking if I'm alright.

I'm not alright.

Things feel odd and out of place.

I feel out of place.

I glance at the clock and notice it's already ten and Jasper had yet come down from the basement in which he had started cleaning out hours ago, bringing box after box down into the vast darkness.

I had been perched on our cream colored love seat staring at our decorative longhorn skull for about two hours now seemingly having an unspoken conversation with it.

I was surprised that Jasper had not yet checked on me, seeing as lately all he did was hover about my person and tell me i looked cold all the time.

I'm not sure if he was talking about the temperature or emotion, but right now i was feeling a bit of both.

It seemed like fall had decided to come early and the leaves from  trees had turned shades of red and yellow and littered the sidewalks and the roof of our home.

I loved fall, it was a cold season filled with warm colors to make up for the absence of heat and something about that idea made me happy.

Jasper didn't like fall. I'm not sure why. We didn't usually agree on anything although and sometimes i wondered how we worked.

While contemplating the balance in our relationship i found my eyes growing heavy and soon enough i drifted into unconsciousness.



That is the emotion that fills my mind as i awake to the damp basement that has been my home for two years now.

The only sense of time i have now is the markings on the wall behind the heavy curtains and the soft sounds of the news when he watches it upstairs.


I hate him with all my person. I wish nothing more than a gruesome death upon him; a death that leaves him crying out in agony as I watch with a smile of satisfaction and joy as he bleeds out upon the very basement floor I had bled upon.

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the door creaking open and I hear a cry of despair from Zoe.

My head snaps to the left where he had left her shackled in the chains that suspended her in mid air. The cuffs around her hands had cut into her skin, leaving dried blood trailing down her arm. Her once fiery hair had become dull, just as she had.

Our eyes locked.

We both knew he had come to finish his job, and I watched as her bottom lip trembled, cracked and dry, and covered in her fresh tears of sorrow. I watched the last glimmer of light flicker out behind her eyes as she seemed to tell me goodbye with that single glance.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2015 ⏰

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