The end

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Louis' P.O.V

When I woke up all I could see was chaos. Doctors and nurses running around, I saw everyone else in the corner of the room trying not to cry.

"What's going on?" I asked walking over to a doctor

"Well it seems that Niall's heart stopped beating through the night but luckily your friend was able to get a nurse in time. but now it seems that his heart keeps giving out. No matter what we do to help him" he says

I quickly walk over to where everyone else is standing, trying to comfort them as best as possible.

Until I heard it.

That noise.

The beep.

The long, dreadful beep.

I quickly look over at Niall's hospital bed and see his heart monitor completely stopped.

Next I see a nurse walk in with those weird metal things. They rub the metal plates together and quickly press it on Niall's chest.





It looked quite painful if you asked me. We run over to Niall's bed a start crying. It all happens in slow motion. I heard once that things always happen for a reason. Even if they're not the best things. Maybe this is what's suppose to happen. Maybe this is God's plan for Niall. For us. Maybe this will make us stronger in the long run. And knowing that Niall is happy, and not suffering in a horrible hospital bed. That's all that we want for him.

"Stop. Just stop" I said, not really realizing it. "He's gone"

"I'm really sorry, we tried our best" the doctor said, putting a white sheet over Niall's pale, dead body.

" I-I can't believe he's gone"

"He's really gone"

"At least he's in a better place"

Everyone nodded, agreeing with my statement.

We left the hospital, very sad and depressed.

But I remember one thing Niall said to me a while ago. He told me to go on with our lives, even when he's gone.

To not be sad for him and to be happy that he won't have to suffer.

At the time it was the most depressing thing I had ever heard. But now, I get it. And I want to live like that. I know Niall will be watching us, and he'll want us to do what he said.

So, here we go.

It's all for Niall.


Omg, that was literally the saddest thing I've ever written. I'm literally crying.

After this is the epilogue and that's it.

I really hope that you guys liked this story as much as I did. I'm sorry for not updating as much as I did. And this is probably the crappiest ending ever.

But seriously thank you so much. I love you guys like my family. :)

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