Mutation day

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(Y/n) pov
I was finishing there surprises in my room. They were out patrolling the streets while me, casey, april, and splinter made decorations and worked on presents. Skylar was asleep in her crib while Raph texted me saying were on there way back in 'bout 10 minutes. I told everyone saying they were done with the place." Guys were home." Micky yelled and tried to run to the couch but stopped as we yelled" happy mutation Day!" They hugged us as we gave them our presents. I gave them all a humanizer so they can go out in public." I made them myself." Donnie smiled saying." I didn't know you were a human genius?!" I smiled rembering something." oh Donnie bell I felt like you deserve this after doing so much for us." I pulled out a brand new metal head."OMG THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!!!!" He said seeing what all he does. "your welcome Donnie. Now who wants cake?" We all ate happily as April fed Skylar.
Also guys if your wondering what April splinter and Casey got them here it is
R= new mask and hockey stick
L= space hero comics
M= hockey gear
D= robot parts he found useful
R= new turtle
M= Super smash bros and minecraft
L= movies
D= a kiss and helped with metal head
Splinter gave them brand new weapons with there names carved in them.

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