He saves you

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Your pov
You start walking home when you got a idea. You liked to see the stars on the roof tops and you loved to jump on them one by one. You climbed a fire escape to the very top and started running and jumping. When you were taking a break you saw some weird robot things approach you. You were really tough so you put up a fight. You got at least 2 down until one shot at you making you fall to doge it. You ran towards the edge of the building and saw no way to get to the other one without falling. You turned around to see they were all taken down and there was a figure walking towards you. You tried to walk towards it but your foot slipped and you were sent falling.You closed your eyes waiting to die until you felt arms around you. You saw what looked like a giant turtle wearing a red torn mask. You didn't scream but looked shock. You landed and he put you down." Y-you didn't scream." he stuttered looking at you." I didn't cause I just saw robots with weird brain things inside. To me you look normal." I said with a smile. He smiled back." I'm rapheal but you can call me Raph." he said looking at you with sweet emerald eyes." I'm (y/n)." you said giggling at his smile."Um do you want to come over sometime maybe?" He said quietly." Sure take me there." he looked at you and picked you up.
-time lapse-
You stopped in front of a manhole. You opened it and jumped in. He looked at you in shock."You coming Raphie?" He blushed at the nickname." Yes I'm coming but you look like you've done this before." he said hopping down." Well before I started home schooling myself I use to walk down here to get away from the bulling." you said with a sigh." um before we walk to my home there is four of us and my sensei." he said a little concerned about you before you bothed stopped at a door." I don't care. I'm fine." you said smiling. He smiled back and opened the door. There was three other turtles with a orange, purple, and a blue mask. The looked at you and got out there weapons." cool Bo staff, nun chucks, and katanas guys." you said calmly. They looked at you then Raph. " the orange one grinned putting his nun chucks away." hi I'm Micky." He looked at Raph who was blushing." Ooooooo Raph is in love!" Raph was blushing with anger and embarrassment. You blushed and giggled." Well I'm (Y/n) and I'm going to guess the others are Fearless and donnie." You pointed at the other two." my names Leonardo but you can call me Leo." You waved " What ever you say Fearless." He mumbled something about Raph." Raph who is she?" You all turned to a rat." I'm (y/n) sensei. Don't blam Raph I asked if I could come with him." he looked at you and then Raph." May she stay sensei?" Raph said with a soft voice."hmmm fine but she is your response ability." Raph smiled." Thank you sensei." When splinter left Mickey started making kissy faces. Raph growled and took out his sais." Woah woah Raphie calm down." his eyes softened at you and he put his sais away. You saw the others in shock."What?" You said." Your the first person to calm Raph down." Donnie said shaking your shoulders making you dizzy

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