Waking up and mutagen

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Raph pov
I sat there tired and hungry. I didn't care I just needed her to wake up. I saw her twitch and looked up hopefully. Her eyes opened a little and saw me sitting there. I smiled and cried tears of joy. I hugged her softly as she kissed my cheek. Donnie came over and told her she could get up. I helped her to the couch and sat her down. Leo saw this and tried to walk away but(y/n) grabbed his arm and pulled him down to her level." first of don't feel bad and secondly stay away from toasters ok?" He nodded sheepishly and walk off to tell Micky. Micky hugged her happily. When he left I asked if she wanted to walk around. She nodded and we went to walk around the sewers. I stopped walking once I heard glass break as she yelped. I looked as she step on a broken mutagen container and in the mutagen. She started screaming in pain and when she stopped she looked fine. I ran her to donnie." DONNIE (Y/N) STEPPED IN MUTAGEN!!!!!" I sat her on the table and watched Donnie go to work. When he was finished he told me the news and what mutant she was." Uh s-she is a shapeshifter now." he said weirdly. I looked at her a little shocked and started think of the pros and cons of this. She smiled a little." so how can I shape shift Donnie-bell." me and him were shock on how she was reacting to this. I saw him blush at the nickname." Well you just have to touch someone or think about what you want to look like." he said calmly. She smirked and touched me as she shapeshifted." Oh look at me I'm Rapheal. SHUT UP MIKEY. Ughh fearless want let me leave the lair." Donnie bursted out laughing with her." Cool I can sound just like him." she smiled at her new voice." Hey we should prank the others. I agreed as we ran out together to play our prank.

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