Chapter 5

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Mari and Wes had played Mortal Combat for hours. They laughed and had fun but the whole time they were both battling their minds not to kiss eachother. While Mari and Wes were sitting relitively close to each other, Wes back was straight and slightly angled away from Mari. He had all of his stuff in his car. He had planed on telling Mari he loved her and then quit Smosh. But now that she had broken up with Peter she was in too fragile of a place to have him say that to her. Mari had broken up with him on their aniverserary for crying out loud, right after they got engaged too. So Wes would hold on for a.few weeks for mari to gather her s*it together. He looked at Mari with sad eyes his face laced with pain. As Mari turned to look at him it vanished. But not before Mari saw a split second of it. She realized that he had just broken up with Remina. 'Why would he come here if he had had a break up? Unless he wanted to tell me something. What would he want to tell me? Oh. He likes me. Well I like him too. So, I should tell him? Right?'
'Yes! Yes you should!'
'Okay. Here goes nothing.'
"Wes, I have something to tell you. I think I lo-" she started saying but Wes cut her off by smashing his lips against Mari's. For the first couple seconds she was too shocked but then she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. They made out for awile and didn't realize someone was at the window watching them.
~Mystery Person Point of View~
Mari is mine. I am going to make Wes suffer until the day I die.

A/N Sorry for the short chapter but I have other stuff to write, but I promise that I will make the next one longer.

Smosh[Moved to @TheKingdomOfDragons]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora