Chapter 27

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Alex's POV:

   I was alone in my apartment. I had asked Harry to distract Lee in his apartment while I talk to Mark. He refused at first, saying that this would only make me feel worse about the entire situation but I wouldn't budge. I have to make this call. I have to end everything.

As I nervously pace around the living room, I dial his number. Gulping, I raised my phone to my ear. My heart hammered against my ribcage and I feared it would bounce out. I seemed to lose my breath for a second when Mark answered. I blinked a few times before finding my voice.

"Mark," I said in a determined tone. "We have to talk."

"About what?" He replied, and I could taste the venom in his tone. I sighed and sat down on the couch so I don't fall over.

"About us. We need to get this over with. Meet me at Camerlo's Cafe downtown tonight at eight." I said in one breath and hung up before he had the time to reply.

It's time I've won, Mark, I thought as I changed into a black dress that went just above my knees. My hair was pulled into a high ponytail and my feet were in black heels I found on a shelf inside my closet.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and smiled, pushing away all my fears and doubts about tonight. Anything can go wrong, if a word or two were misplaced, I might lose this but I tend to win this time. With one last glance at the mirror, I grabbed my purse and left my room.

My heels clicked against the hardwood floor as I made my way to Harry's apartment. I knocked on his door.

"Hiiii," he said once he saw me. His eyes trailed over my attire, his eyebrows rising in confusion. "Well, you look absolutely stunning." he grinned at me. I blushed and stepped into his arms. They went around my body in a comforing gesture, easing my nervousness. I smiled as I inhaled his sweet scent. Pulling away, I placed my hands on his face.

"I'm so nervous," I whispered, locking my eyes with his. He softly smiled at me before ducking down to press a kiss on my lips, surprising me. It was nothing compared to the first time we kissed, it wasn't urgent or fast. It was slow and sweet and more meaningful. He had faith in me.

"Don't be," he said in a comforting tone. I smiled at him and kissed his lips one more time.

"I'll be back home soon," I assured him. He nodded and smiled at me.

"I'll be waiting."

It was seven thirty when I left the building so I had time. Once in the cab, I went over the lines I had made up in my mind. I was so incredibly nervous. What if he doesn't show up? It surely wouldn't surprise me. I had taken so many blows from him over the past years.

The driver clears his throat, snapping me out of my thoughts. We were downtown, in front of Camerlo's Cafe. I quitely apologize for daydreaming and him his money. I thank him and exited the car.

The sky was dark, the moon peacefully sitting in the middle of it, however there were no stars in the sky. I shivered as a cold breeze of air hit my skin, reminding me that summer is almost over. I make my way inside the cafe, tightly holding onto that little shred of hope I have left.

It's time I've won, I repeated in my head.

The place as crowded, just like how I remember it. My eyes search the many faces until they meet the cold eyes of Mark, who was sitting on a table not so far away from me with a smirk on his lips. I straighten my shoulders and walk to the table.

"I would be lying if I said you don't look quite stunning tonight," he said to me as I sat down across of him.

Pursing my lips, i nodded at him. "Thank you."

"Would you like to order?" His eyebrows shot up when I smiled at him.

"I'd love to."

We ate in silence, and I tried to ignore his constant glances at the upper part of my body. I had to resist the urge the throw my fork at him and leave the place, but I had to stay. I had to stay for Lee and myself.

Once the waiter came to collect our plates, I had found my voice and confidence once again.

"Mark. You know what I'm about to say," I started and watched his expression. He rolled his eyes and dropped his napkin to his lap.

"Yeah, yeah. I need to sign the divorce papers, and my answer is still no." He said, making my blood boil.

"Why? Why do you have to keep on doing this?" I exclaimed, my tone laced with anger.

"Because, my love," he whispered as he leaned over the table. "I enjoy seeing you suffer. I want you to hate me every single day. I want you to feel what I felt when you told me that you were having a baby, not that I still know if it's mine or not." he spat. My eyes rimmed with tears that gathered but my posture didn't waver.

"Of course Lee is your baby! I am not like you, Mark!"

"Oh yeah? And what do you call that thing you have going around with that Harry living across of you? I can feel the love radiating off of you when he's around. Let me tell you this, Alex. You are exactly like me."

"I-I'm not." I said, my harsh tone faltering. "I'm not! I actually care, Mark! And I hate how I still care about you as a person even after all that you've done. Let me tell you something. I am the exact opposite of you."

My chest rose and fell as I heavily breathed. Mark's hard eyes softened for a second before returning back to normal.

"You better sign those papers, Mark, or else I'm going down to the station and reporting you for abusing my daughter and I. Choose wisely, dick."  I spat before grabbing my purse and standing up from my seat. Mark's mouth was hung open as he stared at me, almost surprised that I had actually said that. I had never thought of saying anything like this, but I'm glad I did. It seemed like it frightened him. He surely doesn't want his ass locked up.

As I sat in the cab, I smiled as I glanced out the window. The wind blew my hair away, making it fall from it's ponytail but I didn't mind. It seemed like a weight was pulled off my shoulders.

I actually might get another chance to finally be happy again if he decides to sign those papers.
I ran into Harry's arms once he opened the door, holding him tight as if I was going to lose him at this very second. His lips met mine in a passionate kiss and it felt like falling in love again.

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