I looked at Ashley and she was deep in thought. I went to go sit next to her.

"Hey are you okay?" I said bringing my hand up and stroking her cheek and she flinched so I put my hand down.

"No there is something going on with me and then we keep getting kidnapped." Ashley sighed and then turned towards me and looked me in my eyes.

"I want to try this mates thing out." She said and my eyes widened in shock.

"What? Why? What about your parents and-" She shut me up by placing her lips on mine.

It was amazing.

Our lips started moving in sync and I deepened the kiss but then she pulled away.

"That's a good way to shut me up." I said and then pecked her on the lips. 

She giggled.

"But really what changed your mind?" I asked.

"Well I haven't had the best life and I get a mate which is one of the best things you could get and I just flat out reject him without giving him a chance because I was basing him on his father which doesn't justify what kind of person he is. My mate is someone who was there for me and I am glad he was." She said with a smile and I gave her a smile back and then I kissed her.

"Aww who is this sweetie?" Said a voice that is all too familiar.

"Mom this is Ashley my mate." I said.


Bailey's p.o.v

"Where are you taking him?" I said running behind Daniel who was dragging Jason by the ear.

"To the servants quarter were he will get dressed and be my servant for the rest of his pathetic life." Daniel spat.

"No! You can't do that!" I shouted at him.

"Watch me." He said and then vampire sped away to where I couldn't follow him.

I stomped my foot and the turned around only to be greeted by a woman. She was really skinny and dull black hair and had green eyes and she looked undernourished.

"Ahh so you are the girl that I had to make the ring for." She said

"uhhh... yeah your the witch?" I asked.

She laughed,"My names Sandra and I am also the one who made a barrier around the house so no one can exit after coming in so you and your friends are stuck here." She said.

"But why? We didn't do anything to you"

"Yes I know but what Daniel would have done to me would land me in the bottom of the ocean." She said.

"I'm so sorry you are probably forced to be here."

"I have been here my whole life since I was a baby and the queen ordered people to steal me from my mother." She said sadly.

"How old are you?"

"45" She said but she still looked 25 even with no food in her system.

"When is the last time you ate?"

"About two weeks" She said sadly.

"Well come with me and I am going to get you some food." I said and before she could object I vampire sped to the kitchen.

I'm glad I remember where it is or else that would have been embarrassing.

I sat her down and then started getting a bowl and then some cereal out.

Trust me don't ever let me cook.

I am horrible at it.

"Cereal?" She asked looking at the bowl skeptically.

"I can't cook but that doesn't mean I can't give you food. Now what type of cereal do you want?"

"I always liked frosted flakes." She said timidly.

"Okay." I said and then poured her a bowl of cereal.

When she took her first bite her hair started growing fuller and her skin became smoother.

"What?B-but how?" I stuttered looking at a completely different woman in front of me.

"You don't know much about witches don't you?"

I shook my head no.

She laughed," Well when witches aren't fed probably they wrinkle their skin and make their hair dull and make themselves look skinnier to make people feel bad and give them food. And it works most of the time." she said.

"Wow. That's awesome." I said.

"What are you doing?" Daniel boomed followed by Jason in a servant's outfit.

Damn he looked good in tux.

Focus Bailey.

"I gave her food because she hasn't been fed properly." I said crossing my arms over my chest and glaring at him.

He came up and tried to slap me but his hand froze in mid air.

I looked over and Sandra looked pissed.

"You shall never touch a woman in that way." She boomed.

She let his hand go and he glared at her and then went up to her and slit her throat killing her.

I gasped.

"What the actual fuck?" I asked getting angry.

"She was in my way of disciplining my fiance." He said and then came back to me but I was angry and stopped his hand mid way. I can feel my wolf coming to the surface.

"Don't you dare touch me that way." I compelled him.

He slowly put his hand down.

"Good now go away. I want to talk to Jason." I said and he nodded then walked out.

"Why didn't you compel him to take the ring off?" He asked.

"Because even if I got the ring off , we are still stuck her because Sandra put a spell on the castle so no one can get out." I sighed. I looked at Jason and then wrapped my arms around him.

"Why can't life be simple?" I asked.

"Because we aren't simple people." He said and then kissed my forehead.

"You know with every force field there is a weak spot," Mark said coming in with Ashley by his side," We just have to find it."

"Okay tomorrow we find that weak spot and I will compel Daniel to take this stupid ring off and we will be gone."

"But we will just find you again." Claire said coming in with Enzo.

"If you really want to come up with an escape plan you might want to do it in a soundproof room," Enzo said, " Also you won't be leaving this castle because right now Bailey and Ashley you under arrest for being too powerful."Enzo said and then guards came in and tried to take me but I quickly turned into my wolf and fought them off along with guards trying to take Ashley.

"Stay away" I growled but then I felt a needle go in my back and I looked up and saw Daniel.

'Bastard' I thought before blacking out.

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