You get hate

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You were Brad Simpsons girlfriend, you had been his girlfriend for 4 years now, he
wasn't "Brad Simpson the lead singer of the vamps" he was just "brad, your childhood best friend" you had known Brad since you could remember he was your next door neighbour and bestfriend, at the age of 15 he finally plucked up the courage to ask you out, you had been there for him, helped him with new songs, staying up till 3 in the morning whenever something was worrying him just talking, you were loyal. You would never cheat on Brad, you never had and never will. You didn't know just exactly what you had done wrong maybe it was your looks? Maybe it was the fact that you had Brad and they didn't? But it was just a normal night for you,Brad was on his UK tour for three weeks and you would have to wait three weeks to see him, it doesn't sound a long time you had been away from him for longer when he went on the Austin mahone tour, but you needed him, you deserved to live a normal life and be settled down with a boyfriend,and you were with Brad but you had to risk a lot for him, put his career before your needs;your needs to see him. Your needs for cuddles when you were ill, your needs for him when there's a family event and you needed someone to keep you company, your needs;personal needs, in general just your need for truly loved him.

You were sat in your shared flat on your bed that smelt like him and scrolled through Twitter, and for the first time in a while it got to you. "Y/N is a money-grabbing whore wanting brads fame and success" "y/n is a gold digger tbh" "y/n is an ugly prick" but one tweet really stood out to you "Brad deserves better" and all these thoughts were swimming inside your head,pricking tears through your lost eyes, your body aching for the one you loved the most.
You always tried to not let it bother you, Brad always supported you if you seen the supposed 'fans' tweets. "Don't worry babe,ignore them" "your mine,and I'm glad I have you" "there just jealous" "don't let them get to you" that brummy voice you wanted to hear so badly, why are you being stupid? You said to yourself. Of course Brad loves you, but the other half of you thought; no he doesn't he just feels sorry for me, your mind debating with itself over and over and you couldn't take it you wanted to scream and cry and just when you were about to a familiar ringtone and familiar boys name flashed up on your FaceTime. Brad.

You accepted as you needed him,
"Hey baby, how are you"
"You could say I've been better"
"What's wrong? Tell me" Brad pleaded
"It's just ..... I can't do this anymore Brad, I miss you; I miss you so bloody much and it's been 2 days, every time I log onto my Twitter I get negative things sent through my notifications and it's making me worry, it's making me feel worthless, it's making me insecure,upset,fat,ugly I love you Brad but I just can't do it I feel trapped " you started to cry
"Your none of those things y/n, hey don't cry you mean so much more to me than you will ever think, I can't do this without you y/n, don't let anyone tell you your not beautiful because every fucking bone in my body loves you every single inch of you, you are so beautiful,your mine and I love you more than you could ever imagine, please don't give up on us I need you y/n"
Before you even had a chance to reply James voice shouted through the call
"Brad you have to come now we're on stage in five minutes"
"Brad ii"
"Y/n I have to go, just promise me your not giving up and don't do anything stupid"
"Brad I love you so much of course not,have a good show"
"I love you y/n"
The call ended and you curled up in your bed thinking about how grateful you are for your boyfriend and pushing all the negative thoughts out of your head"
2 hours later ;
"@thevampsbrad; amazing crowd tonight Liverpool!it was nice to have a sing and a dance💃🏻💃🏻also I see EVERYTHING you tweet so don't be mean to my girl she means a lot to me"
You went to sleep with a smile on your face.

Sorry I haven't updated in ages but when you comment it encourages me to update faster!! Also comment requests I love you all
- g

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