You turn him on infront of the other boys

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Sorry short imagine because I haven't updated but I'm not even sure if anyone reads this anyways lmao please vote and comment requests as it urges me to update quicker!

You,your boyfriend Brad and his bandmates,also your bestfriends decided to go to the cinema to watch a film as you were all bored and it was the boys day off,
"So what are we actually going to see" you asked as you strolled hand in hand with Brad down the street
"Up to you" said Brad in his thick brummie accent while stealing a kiss
"Ew pda" Tristan squealed as Brad hit him playfully
"How about that new avengers film ay" James suggested
"That will be good" con agreed
You all arrived at the cinema and took your seats waiting for the film to begin
It was James,Connor,you,Brad and Tristan on the end of the row
"You sure your ok with watching this film isn't it a bit boyish" Brad said sweetly
"Course I am ill watch anything and besides will probably just start making out anyway" you shot him a wink as Brad placed his hand on your thigh sending butterflies around your stomach.
20 minutes into the film and you and Brad were getting pretty heated just kissing and the other Boys hadn't even noticed and the cinema was practically empty anyway
"Mm Brad its getting really uncomfortable sitting like this with my back turned sideways" "just come on my lap then" you dropped on brads lap and starting wiggling into him trying to make room for the both of you on one chair, you didn't realise that you were actually turning Brad on as something hard starting to poke your bum you were oblivious of what is was until Brad said
"Guys I just remembered y/n has a controlled assessment due in tommorow we need to get back sorry lads" you laughed at his pathetic excuse and sneaked out the cinema as Brad descreetly popped his hair in his pocket to cover up his "excitement" and let's just say you had a pretty good night!.

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