Your on your period

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You were said in your shared bed in your bedroom waiting for your boyfriend Brad to finish up at the studio and buy you some 'girly products' as it was your time of the month you hadn't heard from him so you presume he was fine, Brad was the type of boyfriend that you couldn't really get embarrassed around and wouldn't do anything to make you uncomfortable however this was his first time going shopping for your monthly needs, you groaned in pain and the cramp that just shot from your lower stomach and buried yourself into your blankets bradddd hurry up you said to yourself, your familiar ringtone of 'she way out' played and you grabbed your phone and answered the call from Brad
"Hey y/n, um I'm not really sure what I'm getting here?
"Anything Brad just hurry the fuck up" you snapped
"Y/n, calm deep breaths I will get you what you want now what do you use tampons or pads"
"Pads bradd and please hurry just get the green pack"
"Okay bby I'll be home soon"
You threw your phone back on the bedside table and cried, you couldn't control it you were so emotional right now knowing Brad will be going on tour in 3 more weeks for 4 whole months, you heard the door open and in walked Brad with a bag full of products,ice cream and chocolate,
"Y/n are you alright baby" he kicked off his Dr martens and crawled beside you automatically placing one of his hands on your stomach and the other around your neck pulling you closer to him, you just sat there for a while,as Brad continued to rub your stomach and cuddle you closer
"Thank you Brad" you forced a smile even though the pain was becoming unbearable
"Anything for you,I love you"
"I love you too Brad"
First preference please comment requests and I also do pearsonal imagines
Also if u haven't please check out my fanfcition 'under preasure'
Thank you Ilya x

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