You stay the night for the first time

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You were at your boyfriend brads house watching films it was currently 11:15pm, you have been dating Brad for two months and a couple of weeks ago he asked you to be his girlfriend which you gladly accepted.
You were cuddled up to Brad eating popcorn watching some dumb film you didn't even find amusing you were so sleepy;your phone buzzed signiling a text from your 14 year old sister.

Text from (your sisters name)😅
Are you gonna come home tonight or can I lock the door not that you will reply because your clearly to busy;)

What an idiot.

"Braaddddd I have to goo it's getting late" you stretched out you words as he nuzzled his nose into your neck leaving the soft feel of curls tickling your chin.
"Nooooooo don't go" Brad groaned

"I have to" you giggled

" just stay here for the night you might aswell mom and dad are visiting somewhere with Nat" Brad said sitting up

"Brad it's fine I only live round the corner" you said but you wanted to stay there you just didn't want to sound too eager.

"Come on I want you to I need cuddles" Brad said pulling you into his lap.

"Oh alright fine" you pecked his cheek and thanked him

1 hour had passed and you were still cuddled up on the sofa sat on brads lap with blankets around you.

You yawned.

"Come on let's get to bed you can borrow one of my tops if you like"

"Only if it's the artic monkeys one" you smirked
"Anything for you"
You went upstairs into brads bathroom and changed into brads t-shirt which was mid thigh and some grey joggers you took of your makeup with Natalie's makeup wipes and threw your hair into a topknot bun you went into brads room and he was getting blankets out the cupboard.

"You can have the bed" he smiled

"Brad im not gonna kick you out of your own bed it's a double bed I'm sure we can both fit"

"I'm fine with that as long as you are comfortable"

You sat on his bed and got under the covers

"Goodnight kiss" Brad winked

And with that you kissed him lovingly and fell straight into a deep sleep with Brad Simpson cuddled against you.


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